BE1 further requires development to avoid any “high-powered lighting or external security
lighting, unprotected upward-facing fenestration, and large areas of glazing facing open
countryside.” Under this policy design will need to demonstrate consideration of; the immediate
setting, the space between buildings, its orientation within the plot, the design, scale, roof
structure and built form of any surrounding buildings, the treatment of boundaries and any
related village or hamlet setting and local characterising views. The Neighbourhood Plan also
identifies the key local characterising views in Figure 4.1 that in accordance with the policy
framework should be retained and protected in development.
5.26 Considering the policy framework, it is highly likely that the redevelopment of the Renault Garage
site will lead to minor long-term positive effects with regards to landscape and townscape
character. The additional minor loss of greenfield land in the rural landscape of Rake is however
considered likely to lead to long-term minor negative effects. However given the policy
provisions of the Neighbourhood Plan, the plan is likely overall to lead to long-term positive
effects with regards to landscape and villagescape character in the Neighbourhood Plan area.
Historic Environment
5.27 The character of the Neighbourhood Plan area is largely influenced by its rich historic
environment, including its national and locally designated assets of cultural heritage interest as
well as locally identified non-designated assets.
5.28 The growth strategy for the Neighbourhood Plan proposes the redevelopment of the Renault
Garage site (Policy H6) in Rogate, which is located adjacent to the Rogate Conservation Area.
Effects on the setting of the conservation area ultimately depend upon the design, layout and
massing on site.
5.29 Alongside the provisions of the NPPF and South Downs National Park Local Plan which provide
protections for both designated and non-designated heritage assets and their settings, Policy
BE2 (Conservation Area) of the Neighbourhood Plan requires development to demonstrate that
“it will conserve or enhance the character of the designation” in relation to the conservation
area. In this respect the policy seeks to ensure development takes account of the overall
character of the conservation area, public rights of way and through routes, historic patterns of
thoroughfares and open spaces, distinctive elements including building materials and features
such as walls and gateways, the mix of building types, and the retention of existing views. The
policy therefore provides an additional layer of locally specific detail that will support the delivery
of positive effects in any new development within or surrounding the Conservation Area. It is
also recognised that with its current land use as a garage, redevelopment of the site delivering a
“sympathetic village housing scheme” could enhance the views from the parkland opposite –
parkland that was formerly part of the historic parkland of Rogate Lodge – as well as views at the
entrance to the village from the east. As such, it is considered that development at the Renault
Garage site has good potential to deliver long-term minor positive effects overall in relation to
the setting of the historic environment at this location.
5.30 The Neighbourhood Plan proposes one site allocation in Rake. Whilst the site is not known to
contain any designated heritage assets, it is located opposite to the Grade II listed Sun Inn
Public House. Development has the potential to affect the setting of the listed building both
positively and negatively, which will ultimately be dependent upon design, layout and massing. In
this respect Policy BE1 (Locally Distinctive Design within the Parish) provides protection against
negative effects arising by requiring development to demonstrate high-quality design that takes
account of “the architectural or historic importance of, and the conservation of the significance
of, any historic dwellings”. As a result, the development of around four dwellings at the London
Road site in Rake is not considered likely to lead to any significant negative effects.
5.31 Overall, the limited growth proposed through the Neighbourhood Plan is not considered likely to
lead to any significant negative effects in relation to the historic environment. The