storey dwellings, community amenities public open space and some additional residents
parking, subject to a full landscape and visual impact assessment appropriate for this key site.
This is already a developed site and has long-standing unimplemented planning application for
8 open market dwellings plus 8 ‘affordable’ dwellings. This NP considers that any re-
development of the site requires a significantly more restrained approach from that currently
proposed, due to the landscape and visual impact of this prominent site at the western
gateway to the village of Rogate.
Any measured development should respect the historic character of nearby buildings and make
more appropriate use of a very accessible location within easy walking distance to the village
facilities, bus stops and retail outlets. The NP and local residents consider the site of strategic
importance and is therefore appropriate as a SHLAA site for a limited number of smaller-sized
dwellings perhaps as mixed tenure dwellings.
Any proposal must unequivocally contribute to the alleviation to localised traffic congestion,
sewer capacity shortcomings and localised flooding in the neighbourhood. It is recognised, for
instance, that the site might provide useful parking within its scheme design (a key Parish
concern as evidenced by the NP Questionnaire and given the site’s strategic proximity to both
Rogate shop and school). Any development on this site must incorporate appropriate traffic
and parking measures that helps the wider village requirements. A safe crossing of the A272
should be in place before occupancy of the development.
CHI07 Parsonage Field to south, Rogate
Community consultations have shown that this site is considered inappropriate for housing
development. The Parsonage area is widely considered over-developed, poorly served by
parking/traffic measures and sewage infrastructure and generally inappropriate for any new building
proposals. Indeed, the NP process has identified that improvements to the site’s overall drainage is a
Parish priority and is covered in the Action Plan to this document.
CHI06 Parsonage Field to southwest, Rogate
Community consultations have shown that this site is prone to regular flooding and is considered
inappropriate for housing development. The Parsonage area is widely considered over-developed,
poorly served by parking/traffic measures and sewage infrastructure. Not therefore appropriate.
CHI04 Parsonage grounds to west, Rogate
Community consultations have shown that this site that is overlooking open access land is
considered inappropriate for housing development. Again, the Parsonage area is widely considered
over-developed and poorly served by parking/traffic measures and sewage infrastructure. Probably
not appropriate for any new building proposals.
CHI08, Parsonage housing plots at western entrance, Rogate
This site is already developed and one of the two existing dwellings has recently received planning
consent for two additional open market housing. The NP considers this entire site of strategic
importance to the Parish given its prominent position and its accessible location that is within easy
walking distance to the village facilities, bus stops and retail outlets.