Basic Conditions Statement
October 2020
Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan Basic Condition Statement
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ANGS Accessible Natural Green Space
BAP Biodiversity Action Plan
BOA Biodiversity Opportunity Area
CDC Chichester District Council
GI Green Infrastructure
HA Housing Association
LDF Local Development Framework
LEAF Linking Environment and Farming
LGS Local Green Space
LNR Local Nature Reserve
NNR National Nature Reserve
PMP Partnership Management Plan
POS Public Open Space
PROW Public Rights of Way
RPC Rogate Parish Council
Ramsar Wetland site of international importance defined by the Ramsar Convention
R&RNDP Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan
SAC Special Area of Conservation
SAM Scheduled Ancient Monument
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation
SNCI Site of Nature Conservation Importance
SAM Scheduled Ancient Monument
SDNPA South Downs National Park Authority
SHLAA Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (by the SDNPA)
SPA Special Protection Area
SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest
SUDS Sustainable Urban Drainage System
UKBAP United Kingdom Biodiversity Action Plan
VG Village Green
WHS World Heritage Site
WSCC West Sussex County Council
Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan Basic Condition Statement
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... 3
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan ................................................................. 4
Figure 1.1. Designated R&RNDP Area 2020 ............................................................................. 4
Figure 1.2. Boundary Change Area 2019 ................................................................................... 5
1.2 Basic Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 5
2. BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Decision to Develop a Neighbourhood Plan ............................................................................... 6
2.2 Steering Committee ................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Local Plans ................................................................................................................................. 7
3. NATIONAL POLICIES ............................................................................................................. 7
3.1 National Planning Policy Framework .......................................................................................... 7
4. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................................. 9
4.1 Defining Sustainable Development ............................................................................................ 9
4.2 Settlement Area Boundary ....................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Suitability for Development ..................................................................................................... 13
5. DEVELOPMENT PLANS ........................................................................................................ 18
5.1 Development Plans Relevant to Rogate and Rake .................................................................... 18
5.2 South Downs Local Plan: adopted July 2019 ............................................................................. 18
6. EU LEGISLATION ................................................................................................................. 19
6.1 Human Rights .......................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Habitats Regulations Assessment ............................................................................................. 20
6.3 Strategic Environmental Assessment ....................................................................................... 20
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 23
1 Terms of Reference ..................................................................................................................... 23
2 Aecom Habitats Regulations Assessment 2019 ............................................................................ 23
3 Aecom Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report 2019 ............................................... 23
4 Aecom Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report 2020 .................................... 23
Figure 4.1 SDNPA Rogate Settlement Area Proposals .............................................................................. 12
Figure 4.2 Rogate Settlement Boundary .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 4.3 Renault Garage and Bungalow, Rogate Indicative Layout ........................................................ 15
Figure 4.4 London Road, Rake Indicative Layout ..................................................................................... 16
Figure 4.5 Local Green Spaces and Village Greens ................................................................................... 17
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1.1 Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan
1.1.1 The Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan (R&RNDP) relates to the whole of
Rogate civil parish which is designated as the Neighbourhood Area (see Figure 1.1).Up and
till 1 April 2019 the parish also included the north-eastern part of Nyewood (three
dwellings) but on that date the boundary between Rogate Parish and Harting Parish was
amended by Chichester District Council. Consequently the designated R&RNDP area was
also amended by the SDNPA in September 2020 and the current area is shown in Figure 1.1
and the area of change in Figure 1.2. Consultations undertaken before 1 April 2019
covered the old designated area.
Figure 1.1. Designated R&RNDP Area 2020
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Figure 1.2. Boundary Change Area 2019
1.1.2 The local planning authority is South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) and its
Planning Committee originally agreed the neighbourhood area designation on 14 March
1.1.3 Rogate Parish Council (RPC) is the qualifying body for the R&RNDP and the parish is wholly
within the National Park. The local housing authority is Chichester District Council.
1.1.4 The Basic Conditions Statement (BCS) accompanies the proposed R&RNDP Submission
document. Other supporting documents include the R&RNDP Evidence Base and the
R&RNDP Consultation Statement, along with a map of the neighbourhood area.
1.2 Basic Conditions
1.2.1 The four basic conditions that should be addressed by a Neighbourhood Plan BCS are as
a) Having regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the
Secretary of State, it is appropriate to make the neighbourhood development plan.
b) The making of the neighbourhood development plan contributes to the
achievement of sustainable development.
c) The making of the neighbourhood development plan is in general conformity with
the strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area of the
authority (or any part of that area).
d) The making of the neighbourhood development plan does not breach, and is
otherwise compatible with, EU obligations.
1.3 Requirements
1.3.1 This BCS explains how the submitted plan meets the following requirements for a
neighbourhood development plan:
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i. It specifies the period for which the plan is to have effect.
ii. It does not include provisions about development that is ‘excluded development’.
iii. It does not relate to more than one neighbourhood area.
1.3.2 The R&RNDP meets these three requirements as follows:
i. The period for which the R&RNDP is to have effect is stated in the plan as 2020
ii. The R&RNDP does not include provisions about ‘excluded development.’
iii. The R&RNDP relates only to one neighbourhood area: Rogate civil parish as
amended on 1 April 2019.
2.1 Decision to Develop a Neighbourhood Plan
2.1.1 Rogate Parish Council established a working party of councillors at its full council meeting
on 26 March 2012 to investigate the benefits and dis-benefits of developing a
neighbourhood plan. The meeting also resolved to issue a press release in order to
generate interest within the community. The issue was also discussed at the Annual Parish
Meeting on 16 April 2012 and the Council’s Annual Meeting on 21 May 2012; both open to
the public. On 17 December 2012 the Council was informed that the registration of the
Council’s intention to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish had been submitted to
SDNPA. The previous Parish Plan developed in 2007 with a time horizon of between 10
and 15 years was considered to have run its course and be insufficient to protect the area
from inappropriate development over the period up to 2030. An inaugural Neighbourhood
Plan project meeting was organised for 7 May 2013 to see whether there was general
support within the community. Some 60 parishioners attended.
2.2 Steering Committee
2.2.1 The public meeting on for 22 May 2013 agreed the appointment of the Project Manager,
Paddy Walker, and an initial Steering Committee (SC).
2.2.2 The initial Steering Committee consisted of:
Role / Topic
Andrew Triggs
SDNPA issues
SDNPA Officer
Ann Arnold
Communications, old/young
Shopkeeper, Later RPC
Charles Hicks
Compliance, planning
Elizabeth Brown
Chair, RPC
RPC Councillor
Eric Piper
Parsonage, old/young
Gordon McAra
County Council issues
WSCC Councillor
Ken Frievokh
Design, build, planning
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Miranda Montagu
Design, build, old/young
Nick Jacobs
Planning, design
Nick Keith
Co-editor, Community, legal
Paddy Cox
Community, sustainability, energy
Paddy Walker
Chairman, co-editor
Peter Davey
Landowner / Farmer
Richard Dollormore
SDNPA issues
SDNPA Officer
Sarah O’Brien-Twohig
RPC Councillor
Seb Price
Public realm, movement, build
Shon Sprackling
Farming, land, economy
RPC Councillor
Simon Ward
Land, forestry, economy
Stephen Taylor
Communications, community
Steve Williamson
Traffic, Rake
RPC Councillor
Val Farron
Parsonage, community,
Resident, later RPC
2.2.3 Terms of Reference (Appendix 1) were drawn up and signed by the SC members.
2.2.4 The first SC meeting agreed that it was important to recognise the two villages in the parish
and so decided to call the Plan the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan.
2.2.5 Over the life of the Steering Group, the membership evolved as the issues and topics
changed and members’ interests changed
2.3 Local Plans
2.3.1 Rogate parish is wholly within the South Downs National Park Authority area. Until the
formation of the National Park in 2010, Rogate’s local planning authority was Chichester
District Council and the parish came within and under the 1999 Chichester District Local
Plan. The latter has recently been replaced by the key policies of the Chichester Local Plan
2014–2029, which do not cover any part of the National Park, i.e. it does not include any
part of Rogate parish.
2.3.2 The first SDNPA Local Plan was prepared over the course of drafting the R&RNDP and was
adopted in July 2019 covering the period 2014–2033 (see section 5: Development Plan).
3.1 National Planning Policy Framework
3.1.1 The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (June 2019), and the guidance
notes that accompany it, have been consulted throughout the drafting of the R&RNDP to
ensure that policies conform with the NPPF.
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3.1.2 NPPF paragraph 18 states that neighbourhood plans should contain non-strategic policies.
At paragraph 21, the NPPF states that strategic policies (in the Development Plan) provide
a clear starting point for non-strategic policies and strategic policies ‘should not extend to
detailed matters that are more appropriately dealt with through neighbourhood plans or
other non-strategic policies’.
3.1.3 :
NPPF paragraph 13 states: The application of the presumption [in favour of sustainable
development] has implications for the way communities engage in neighbourhood
planning. Neighbourhood Plans should support the delivery of strategic policies contained
in local plans or spatial development strategies; and should shape and direct development
that is outside of these strategic policies.
3.1.4 Paragraphs 29-30 are specifically concerned with neighbourhood plans, especially that they
should be aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area and in
general conformity with the strategic policies of the Local Plan. The R&RNDP has taken full
account of the emerging strategic policies of the SDNPA Local Plan as and when these have
been made known (see section 5 below).
3.1.5 The following R&RNDP policies are particularly relevant in the NPPF guidance.
R&RNDP Policy
Objective 1: Sustainability
NE1: To Conserve, Protect
and Enhance the Natural
BE1: Locally Distinctive
Design within the Parish.
BE2: Conservation Area
H1: Settlement Boundary.
H2: Residential
Development in the Open
H3: Conversion of Existing
Residential Properties.
H4: Replacement
Dwellings, Extensions and
H5 Local Housing Needs.
H6 Allocation of Sites
Suitable for Development.
59-79 &
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EW1: Supporting the Rural
T1 Encouraging
Sustainable Travel.
T2 Safety
T3 Parking.
E1 Renewable Energy.
CH1 Community Facilities
CH2 Development of
Community Facilities
CH3 Public Open Spaces,
Village Greens and Local
Green Spaces.
83, 92
4.1 Defining Sustainable Development
4.1.1 The three dimensions of sustainable development are defined as: economic, social and
environmental. The R&RNDP policies have attempted to create a good balance between
these three dimensions and given that the R&RNDP area is wholly within the National Park,
a greater emphasis has been given to the environment.
4.1.2 Early drafts of the R&RNDP included considerable space to the definition and
appropriateness of sustainability and sustainable development. Following external advice,
it was accepted that the higher planning policy documents of the emerging SDNPA Local
Plan and the NPPF would necessarily include these definitions and take precedence over
the R&RNDP. Consequently, for clarity, subsequent versions of the document excluded
these definitions but included an overarching Sustainability Objective. For completeness,
the definition accepted during the development of the R&RNDP was as follows:
Sustainable development
The UK’s Sustainable Development Strategy: Securing the Future (March 2005), or SDS,
is supported in planning terms by the National Planning Policy Framework, or NPPF,
published in 2012 and revised in 2018. These underpin Neighbourhood Plans.
The NPPF includes a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The basic aim
of the SDS is to achieve goals of living within environmental limits and a just society,
and doing so by means of a sustainable economy, good governance and sound science.
The five guiding principles of sustainable development include:
1. Living within environmental limits (respecting the limits of the planet’s
environment, resources and biodiversity – to improve our environment and
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ensure that the natural resources needed for life are unimpaired and remain so
for future generations)
2. Ensuring a strong, healthy and just society (meeting the diverse needs of all
people in existing and future communities, promoting personal wellbeing,
social cohesion and inclusion, and creating equal opportunity for all)
3. Achieve a sustainable economy (building a strong, stable and sustainable
economy which provides prosperity and opportunities for all, and in which
environmental and social costs fall on those who impose them (polluter pays),
and efficient resource use is incentivised)
4. Promoting good governance (actively promoting effective, participative
systems of governance in all levels of society – engaging people’s creativity,
energy and diversity)
5. Using sound science responsibly (ensuring policy is developed and
implemented on the basis of strong scientific evidence, whilst taking into
account scientific uncertainty as well as public attitudes and values).
There are four shared priorities to promote these five guiding principles:
1. Sustainable consumption and production (i.e. achieving more with less)
2. Climate change and energy (securing a profound change in the way we
generate and use energy and in other human activities that release greenhouse
3. Natural resource protection and environmental enhancement
4. Sustainable communities (embodying the principles of sustainable
development at the local level, working to give communities more power in the
decisions that affect them and working in partnership to get things done).
4.1.3 The likely impacts for each policy on the three dimensions of sustainability are shown in
the following table:
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R&RNDP Policy
NE1: To Conserve, Protect and Enhance the Natural
BE1: Locally Distinctive Design within the Parish.
BE2: Conservation Area
H1: Settlement Boundary.
H2: Residential Development in the Open Countryside.
H3: Conversion of Existing Residential Properties.
H4: Replacement Dwellings, Extensions and Annexes.
H5 Local Housing Needs.
H6 Allocation of Sites Suitable for Development.
EW1: Supporting the Rural Economy.
T1 Encouraging Sustainable Travel.
T2 Safety
T3 Parking.
E1 Renewable Energy.
CH1 Community Facilities
CH2 Development of Community Facilities
CH3 Public Open Spaces, Village Greens and Local Green
Key: ** Very Positive; * Positive; o Neutral; -- Negative
4.2 Settlement Area Boundary
4.2.1 Following suggestions from SDNPA planners and with feedback from the public
consultation process it was resolved to propose changes to the Rogate Settlement Area in
the R&RNDP. The SDNPA proposals reduced the small parcels of undeveloped land on the
edges of the area – gardens and open spaces – and increased the area to include
development at Red House Court and the village hall and housing in North Street. Figure
4.2 shows the existing Settlement Boundary and the SDNPA proposals along with the
Rogate Conservation Area (the only one in the parish)
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Figure 4.1 SDNPA Rogate Settlement Area Proposals
4.2.2 Following the public consultation process comments were received in relation to:
Eastern edge of Red House Court area where the proposed SDNPA boundary cut
through an existing house extension; and
Southern part of Renault Garage site where the proposed SDNPA boundary did not
include the whole of the site.
4.2.3 Consequently, it was resolved to propose changes to the Rogate Settlement Area in the
R&RNDP that included the SDNPA proposals modified for the eastern edge of Red House
Court and the southern edge of the Renault Garage. Figure 4.3 shows the resultant Rogate
Settlement Boundary included in the R&RNDP.
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Figure 4.2 Rogate Settlement Boundary
4.3 Suitability for Development
4.3.1 Rogate village has in the past been considered suitable for housing development by
Chichester District Council and the housing estates of Hugo Platt and Parsonage included
much needed local authority and later housing association rented accommodation. At the
start of the neighbourhood plan process, the planning authority was SDNPA and it
indicated that the Rogate Settlement Area should be able to accommodate 11 units. Early
public consultations on the prospect of a R&RNDP included the services of a planning
consultant (Studio LK) and over a two-day workshop a number of potential sites were
identified across the parish. The total housing units possible on these sites far exceeded
the 11 units as the sites were to be considered as a long list of choices. Unfortunately, the
total figure gained traction in the local community and there was a considerable backlash,
understandably, to such a level of development. Although that situation was eventually
recovered, it limited the sites suitable for development that might gain public support.
4.3.2 The SDNPA allocation of 11 units was restricted to the Rogate Settlement Area (see Figure
4.3) and during all the public consultations and questionnaire survey it was clear that
respondents wished there to be a more equitable distribution of development that
included, at least, Rake village as well as Rogate. In addition, within Rogate village,
restricting development to the Rogate Settlement Area excluded imaginative options for
development that would have shifted, in time, the village’s centre of gravity away from the
A272 main road.
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4.3.3 The final R&RNDP has pursued the need for an equitable distribution of development
between Rogate and Rake but has accepted that within Rogate development can be
restricted to the Settlement Area. Consequently, the R&RNDP includes one site suitable
for development in Rogate that is within the Settlement Area (Figure 4.4) and one site in
Rake (Figure 4.5) that is outside any settlement area.
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Figure 4.3 Renault Garage and Bungalow, Rogate Indicative Layout
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Figure 4.4 London Road, Rake Indicative Layout
Parish / District /
County Boundary
Parish / District /
County Boundary
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Figure 4.5 Local Green Spaces and Village Greens
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5.1 Development Plans Relevant to Rogate and Rake
5.1.1 The relevant Local Plan for Rogate and Rake is the adopted South Downs Local Plan.
5.1.2 The relevant West Sussex Waste Local Plan was adopted in 2014 to combine WSCC and
SDNPA policies on waste management in West Sussex up to 2031. The saved policies of the
West Sussex Minerals Local Plan 2003 are relevant until the new West Sussex Minerals
Local Plan currently being prepared jointly by WSCC and SDNPA is made.
5.2 South Downs Local Plan: adopted July 2019
5.2.1 The South Downs Local Plan has been developing in parallel with the development of the
5.2.2 As a general background, it should be noted that:
Rogate and Rake are wholly within the National Park;
it is within the Western Weald broad spatial area;
it is designated by SDNPA as a key settlement and Rogate village is among the Site
Allocations areas;
its landscape character includes Greensand Hills and Low Weald;
it is mapped as having a high tranquillity score and a high dark night skies score; and
it is a small rural parish of two small villages and a number of hamlets and small
scattered settlements.
5.2.3 The South Downs Local Plan policies that are most relevant to Rogate and Rake are
numerous and all have been taken into account in the R&RNDP. They include:
Core Policies: SD1 (Sustainable Development), SD2 (Ecosystems Services), SD4/WW
(The Western Weald).
Strategic Policies: SD4 (Landscape Character), SD5 (Design), SD6 (Safeguarding Views),
SD7 (Relative Tranquillity), SD8 (Dark Night Skies), SD9 (Biodiversity and Geodiversity),
SD10 (International Sites), SD12 (Historic Environment), SD17 (Protection of Water
Environment); SD19 (Transport and Accessibility), SD20 (Walking, Cycling and
Equestrian Routes), SD23 (Sustainable Tourism), SD25 (Development Strategy), SD26
(Supply of Homes), SD27 (Mix of Homes), SD28 (Affordable Homes), SD29 (Rural
Exception Sites), SD34 (Sustaining the Local Economy), SD35 (Employment Land), SD36
(Town and Village Centres), SD42 (Infrastructure), SD45 (Green Infrastructure), SD48
(Climate Change and Sustainable Construction), SD49 (Flood Risk Management).
Development Management Policies: SD11 (Trees, Woodland and Hedgerows), SD13
(Listed Buildings), SD14 (Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption of Historic Buildings),
SD15 (Conservation Areas), SD16 (Archaeology), SD18 (The Open Coast), SD21 (Public
Realm, Highway Design and Public Art), SD22 (Parking Provision), SD24 (Equestrian
Uses), SD30 (Replacement Dwellings), SD31 (Extensions, annexes and outbuildings),
SD32 New Agricultural and Forestry Workers’ Dwellings), SD37 (Development in Town
and Village Centres), SD38 (Shops outside Centres), SD39 (Agricultural and Forestry),
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SD40 (Farm Diversification), SD41 (Conversion of Redundant Agricultural and Forestry
Buildings), SD43 (New and Existing Community Facilities), SD44 (Telecommunications,
Services and Utilities), SD40 (Enabling Development), SD46 (Provision and Protection of
Open Space, Sport and Recreational Facilities and Burial Grounds / Cemeteries), SD47
(Local Green Spaces), SD50 (Sustainable Drainage Systems), SD51 (Renewable Energy),
SD52 (Shop Fronts), SD53 (Adverts), SD54 (Pollution and Air Quality), SD55
(Contaminated Land).
5.2.4 The table below shows how the most relevant of the final R&RNDP policies relate to the
South Downs Local Plan. In every case there is mutual support between R&RNDP and SDLP
R&RNDP Policy
South Downs Local Plan Policy
NE1: To Conserve, Protect and Enhance the Natural
SD1, SD2, SD4, SD6, SD7, SD8, SD9, SD10,
SD11, SD16, SD17, SD45, SD49, SD50
BE1: Locally Distinctive Design within the Parish.
BE2: Conservation Area
SD12, SD15
H1: Settlement Boundary.
H2: Residential Development in the Open
H3: Conversion of Existing Residential Properties.
H4: Replacement Dwellings, Extensions and
H5 Local Housing Needs.
H6 Allocation of Sites Suitable for Development.
SD3, SD5, SD13, SD14, SD25, SD26, SD27,
SD28, SD29, SD30, SD31, SD32, SD35,
SD36, SD37, SD41, SD55
EW1: Supporting the Rural Economy.
SD23, SD24, SD34, SD38, SD39, SD40,
T1 Encouraging Sustainable Travel.
T2 Safety
T3 Parking.
SD19, SD20, SD21, SD22
E1 Renewable Energy.
SD48, SD51
CH1 Community Facilities
CH2 Development of Community Facilities
CH3 Public Open Spaces, Village Greens and Local
Green Spaces.
SD43, SD46, SD47
6.1 Human Rights
6.1.1 The R&RNDP has been prepared with due regard to the fundamental rights and freedoms
that are guaranteed under the European Convention on Human Rights and in compliance
with the Human Rights Act 1998. The R&RNDP Consultation Statement and the
comprehensive R&RNDP Evidence Base document upon which the Consultation Statement
was based both demonstrate in considerable detail how the whole parish (including all its
residents and businesses), as well as statutory bodies, have been given every opportunity
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and encouragement to comment on and influence the contents of the R&RNDP at every
stage of its development.
6.2 Habitats Regulations Assessment
6.2.1 The R&RNDP has been screened by SDNPA as requiring a Habitats Regulations Assessment
(HRA) as set out within Article 6 of the EC Habitats Directive 1992 and interpreted into
British law by the Conservation of Habitats & Species Regulations 2017. The ultimate aim of
the Habitats Directive is to “maintain or restore, at favourable conservation status, natural
habitats and species of wild fauna and flora of Community interest” (Habitats Directive,
Article 2(2)).
6.2.2 The HRA prepared by Aecom in October 2019 is attached as Appendix 2
6.2.3 The R&RNDP HRA concluded that the appropriate safeguarding policies already exist within
the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan. Therefore, no adverse effect would occur on the
integrity of European Sites.
6.3 Strategic Environmental Assessment
6.3.1 The R&RNDP has been screened by SDNPA as requiring a Strategic Environmental
Assessment (SEA) under European Directive 2001/42/EC. SEA is a mechanism for
considering and communicating the potential impacts of an emerging plan, and potential
alternatives in terms of key environmental issues.
6.3.2 Two key procedural requirements of the SEA Regulations are:
A Scoping Report on ‘the scope and level of detail of the information’ that should be
included in the Environmental Report following a consultation with nationally
designated authorities concerned with environmental issues; and
An Environmental Report is published alongside the draft R&RNDP that presents
outcomes from the environmental assessment (i.e. discusses ‘likely significant effects’
that would result from plan implementation) and reasonable alternatives.
6.3.3 The Scoping Report prepared by Aecom in June 2019 is attached as Appendix 3.
6.3.4 The purpose of this Environmental Report is to:
Identify, describe and evaluate the likely significant effects of the Rogate and Rake
Neighbourhood Plan and alternatives; and
Provide an opportunity for consultees to offer views on any aspect of the SEA process
which has been carried out to date.
6.3.5 The Environmental Report contains:
An outline of the contents and main objectives of the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood
Plan and its relationship with other relevant policies, plans and programmes;
Relevant aspects of the current and future state of the environment and key
sustainability issues;
The SEA Framework of objectives against which the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood
Plan has been assessed;
The appraisal of alternative approaches for the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Plan;
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The likely significant environmental effects of the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood
The measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and as fully as possible offset any
significant adverse effects as a result of the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Plan; and
The next steps for the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying SEA
6.3.6 The Environmental Report prepared by Aecom in February 2020 is attached as Appendix 4.
6.3.7 A summary of the Environmental Report assessment of the submission version of the
Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Plan is as follows:
The submission version of the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Plan presents 18
planning policies for guiding development in the Neighbourhood Plan area.
Utilising the SEA Framework of objectives and assessment questions developed during
the earlier scoping stage of the SEA, the SEA process assessed the policies put forward
through the current version of the Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Plan. The
Environmental Report has presented the findings of the assessment under the
following SEA Themes:
o Biodiversity;
o Climate Change;
o Landscape
o Historic Environment;
o Land, Soil and Water Resources;
o Population and Community;
o Health and Wellbeing; and
o Transportation.
The assessment has concluded that the current version of the Rogate and Rake
Neighbourhood Plan is likely to lead to significant long term positive effects in relation
to the ‘Population and Community’ SEA theme. These benefits largely relate to the
Neighbourhood Plan’s focus on providing new housing to meet local needs, support for
improvements to new community infrastructure, the protection and enhancement of
green infrastructure networks in the area and the protection and enhancement of the
quality of the public realm and neighbourhood distinctiveness.
Positive effects are considered likely in relation to the ‘Biodiversity’, ‘Climate Change’,
‘Landscape’, ‘Historic Environment’ and ‘Land, Soil and Water resources’ SEA themes.
These positive effects are linked to the following;
o Long-term protection for biodiversity and geodiversity, including a requirement
for project-level HRA screening in the vicinity of The Wealden Heaths Phase II
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Special Protection Area (SPA) and the Woolmer Forest Special Area of
Conservation (SAC).
o The redevelopment of previously developed land at the Renault Garage site in
Rogate will support efficient land use and is likely to lead to enhancements to the
villagescape, including adjacent to the designated Rogate Conservation Area.
o Promotion of renewable energy generation and sustainable building techniques
will support climate change mitigation in the Neighbourhood Plan area.
Minor negative effects have also been identified in relation to the Land, Soil and Water
Resources and Climate Change SEA themes:
o The small-scale level of growth proposed in Rake will result in a very limited loss
of greenfield land, which has some (uncertain) potential to include the loss of
high-quality agricultural land. However, this is likely to a negligible effect.
o Very minor increases in greenhouse gas emissions are anticipated as a result of
the increase in the built footprint of the Neighbourhood Plan area and a limited
increase in car use.
Given the scale of proposals, these negative effects are however likely to be
6.3.8 Individual developments allowed under R&RNDP policies may require an Environmental
Impact Assessments.
Rogate and Rake Neighbourhood Development Plan Basic Condition Statement
V8 October 2020 Page 23
1 Terms of Reference
2 Aecom Habitats Regulations Assessment 2019
3 Aecom Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report 2019
4 Aecom Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report 2020