This is the South Downs National Park Authority’s (SDNPA’s) third Corporate Plan. As
in previous years the focus is on the outcomes and objectives established in our first
Partnership Management Plan. This makes it easy to track the progress of the Authority
against the ambitions we set at our first creation. This document makes clear that we
have outperformed these expectations.
The Authority is only one of many partners
delivering the Partnership Management Plan which
was created as a vision for the entire National
Park and all those responsible for it. That vision
remains as relevant as ever and we are in the
midst of a major exercise with our partners to
refresh it for 2020 to 2025. This Corporate Plan is
a bridge to the new joint action plan for 2020/25.
It provides a quantified statement of the continuity
and consistency of approach that underlies
everything we do.
Continuity is more important than ever in the
current uncertain political and economic climate.
I am pleased to report that National Parks are at
the centre of the national debate on the future of
farming, on the shape of Brexit, the new National
Planning Policy Framework and the delivery of
the 25 year plan for the environment. We are
a key delivery mechanism for the Government’s
pledge that this will be the first generation to
leave the environment in a better state than we
found it. SDNPA already possesses the bottom-up
partnership plans necessary to make this a reality
through our extensive network of farm clusters, our
strong partnership programme, our promotion of
neighbourhood planning and our encouragement
of Whole Estate Plans, to name but a few of the
examples that follow.
It is timely that the Glover Review of National Parks
has just been launched. Its terms of reference make
clear that it will not reduce existing protections
but it is certain to increase the pressure for the
National Park family to become more inclusive,
accessible and proactive. SDNPA relishes this
challenge and is well prepared to rise to it. In
our short lifetime we have developed a strong
reputation for innovation and this Corporate Plan
covers many examples within its tight structure.
Trevor Beattie,
Chief Executive,
South Downs National Park Authority