Agenda Item 12 Report NPA19/20-29 Appendix 1
Local Communities.
26. Working with Parishes and local communities
26.1 There are 176 town and parish councils across the National Park and a multitude of
community based groups. This represents a hug resource in terms of people, time and
potential funding to deliver Climate Change action at a local level.
26.2 Parishes and community groups could make a huge contribution to reducing carbon
emissions and delivering local projects.
26.3 They are also an important as a means to encourage action and activity that supports
delivery of wider Climate Change targets. The SDNPA needs to effectively engage and ‘add
value’ to local level action involving communities within and adjoining the National Park.
26.4 There is an important role for the SDNPA in harnessing this resource, there are a number of
areas of work where the Authority to focus its efforts, these are broadly set out below.
26.5 We are starting to develop links with relevant Groups to engage with at this level including
the Worthing Climate Action Network, South East Climate Alliance, Winchester Action on
Climate Change (WinACC), Petersfield Climate Action Network, Greater Brighton Energy
Group, Community Land Trusts and Transition Town Groups.
27. Neighbourhood Planning – encouraging action at a local level
27.1 To date, the SDNPA has developed a lot of experience around working with Neighbourhood
Plan groups. Previously this has primarily been based on housing allocations and identifying
sites for development.
27.2 Many of these plans will shortly come up for review. There is potential for the plans to
support delivery for Climate Change adaptation and mitigation. We should be ready to
support Parish and Town Councils, community groups and other ‘partnerships of the willing’
to take action at a local level.
27.3 Since the 1st April 2017 the SDNPA has given £267,919 in Parish CIL funds. This is a new
funding stream for many of our local communities. We should support local communities in
using this resource effectively to deliver on a range of community benefits. This could
include actions to tackle the effects of climate change. This could be through:-
Encouraging appropriate land allocations and designations which can tackle climate change,
this could include tree planting on local green spaces, community facilities and renewable
energy schemes.
Support town and parish councils to provide basic planning advice to local communities.
Planning advice to demonstrate how small scale improvements could be such as sustainable
urban drainage, rain gardens, habitat creation and enhancements.
Supporting Town and Parish Councils to become central point for sharing best practice /
advice with local residents on making a positive contribution to climate change action.
27.4 We also have our existing grant-in-aid schemes, such as the Sustainable Communities Fund
(SCF) that could be used to help support Climate Change action.