The up-to-date evidence for the National Park area in terms of carbon and GHG
emissions, the role of each sector and how the biggest reductions could be made;
What the SDNPA could do directly to address the challenge, in terms of its own
operations and business continuity;
How we might best be able to co-operate with other reporting authorities to achieve
this shared purpose;
How we might use our convening role to achieve the necessary join-up and shared
action with our external partnerships;
Areas that were outside the scope of the SDNPA do deal with.
1.4 The results of this initial work is set out in the attached appendices to this report and is
intended to help the National Park Authority reach an informed decision about its
contribution to addressing the climate and nature emergency . It makes a number of
recommendations to members on the future direction of the NPAs work.
2. Policy Context.
2.1 The South Downs NPA has a key role in meeting the challenges arising from the climate and
nature emergency, in respect of the National Park, in particular through the existing
Management Plan and Local Plan policies. The NPA also has a range of tools and approaches
at their disposal in terms of advocacy, influence and delivery.
2.2 This is especially the case in terms of its strategic planning and policy making role. It will
inevitably require greater collaboration with our constituent Local Authorities and a wider
range of delivery partners.
2.3 Through our new Local Plan and our recently reviewed Partnership Management Plan we
need to properly co-ordinate our work on both climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Some of our activities have the potential to deliver on both.
3. Issues for consideration.
3.1 There is a great deal of positive overlap with our developing work on Nature Recovery.
Work to restore and create habitats will equally deliver on climate change targets.
Consequently we propose to deliver ‘Net-zero with Nature’ as further explored in
appendix 1.
3.2 It is also essential for the SDNPA to use its planning powers and policies to best effect.
There are a number of proposals in the Action Plan that seek to use delivery mechanisms
such as CIL to achieve greatest impact.
4. Options & cost implications.
4.1 Through the development of the 2020/21 budget a climate change action fund reserve has
been created. For 2020/21 the exact amount available to fund the action plan is not yet
confirmed and is dependent upon any underspend achieved in the 2019/20 budget. ., The
budgetary position in relation to this work is subject to a separate decision making process
and will be reported to the Policy and resources committee as part of its monitoring of this
4.2 The NPA could decide not to agree an action plan to contribute to addressing the climate
and nature emergency, however this has not been recommended as it would mean the
Authority is failing to play an apocopate role in the leadership and co-ordination of the
response to the emergency.