NPA, the Authority set up a series of agency agreements with the local
authorities for the delivery of its development management function. This
approach is also consistent with the Authority’s Guiding Principles since it
demonstrates partnership working and allows the Authority to pursue a
strategic-focussed enabling role. Currently 11 of the 15 local authorities operate
within the terms of the agency arrangements. The service for the remaining 4
local authorities has been taken back in house at their request. The development
of this service has been a key priority for the organisation and additional
resources were introduced to implement the new planning application
management system. Whilst some problems remain with the implementation of
the system, work is now well in hand to introduce a robust framework of Service
Level Agreements (SLAs) building on the willingness of officers and Members
from all participating authorities to make it work.
5.14 A number of studies have been commissioned to support the development of the
Local Plan. Pending the finalisation of the NPMP a number of partnership-based
initiatives have also been set up to support the delivery of socio-economic
benefits including the biosphere reserve project with Brighton & Hove City
Council and the Collabor8 sustainable tourism project. An internal group has
been charged with working up an action plan aimed at improving the Authority’s
own environmental performance.
5.15 As part of its consideration of the governance arrangements for the new
organisation an early decision was taken to outsource corporate support services
as much as possible. Agreements are now in place to deliver financial services
(Brighton & Hove City Council), legal services (West Sussex County Council),
Monitoring Officer (Hampshire County Council) and ICT (Advanced 365). The
Authority has put in place a full suite of governance policies and procedures
covering such matters as schemes of delegations, Standing Orders, Member-
officer protocols, whistleblowing and anti-fraud and corruption. A Standards and
Audit Committee has been established with independent members.
5.16 The arrangements with Brighton & Hove cover the complete range of financial
services including financial planning, accounting, creditor and payroll payments,
insurances, treasury management and internal audit. These arrangements
provide a robust framework to make the proper stewardship of public funds
possible. The statutory role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is provided by the
City Council and the CFO and her Deputy are part of the Authority’s Senior
Management Team (SMT). A Medium Term Financial Strategy and capital
programme are in place.
5.17 The Authority has adopted a prudent approach to its budget setting. Medium
term affordability is a key driver and as a consequence, the permanent staffing
structure and other revenue expenses are conditioned by the indicative Defra
grant settlement for 2014/15. The budget monitoring process provides for
monthly reporting to SMT and quarterly to Members. Annual Accounts are
published in accordance with statutory requirements and, whilst the Accounts for
the shadow year (2010/11) received a qualified audit opinion, those for the first
full operational year (2011/12) received an unqualified audit certificate.
Procurement systems are in place and the appointment of a finance and
procurement manager should deliver further improvements and provide closer
professional liaison with Brighton & Hove.