Agenda Item 12 Report NPA19/20-29 Appendix 5
Development briefs for specific
Develop design codes that result in more sustainable building and
schemes, with the best design, layout and materials to make them
resilient to climate change. Incorporate passive solar gain, PV,
landscaping, grey water storage and other features.
Call for sites – Carbon
Initiate a National Park wide call for recipient sites’ that looks to
deliver carbon off-setting schemes that are ‘nature-based’.
Map and assess sites and habitat areas in terms of their capacity to
lock up carbon – as a component of a Nature Recovery Network.
Identify areas that may be suitable for new tree planting, could
protect important carbon sinks or create or link priority habitats.
Consider the sites strategically across the National Park. Develop a
means to assess and screen sites where they might have an
unacceptable impact on the landscape, priority habitats or
scheduled historic monuments.
SDNPA, Natural England,
Environment Agency, Wildlife &
Woodland Trusts, Local Nature
Partnerships, Farmers and
Landowners, South Downs
Woodland Partnership, Local
Planning Authorities.
Work from CPM and Planning Policy to design and deliver on a
‘call for sites’.
This would need to be developed alongside work with our LNP
partners so it supports the Natural Capital Investments
This could be progressed through the Landscape &
Biodiversity Programme Board as it would support ‘Nature
Recovery’ as well as Climate Change work.
Additional staff time would be required from CPM and
Planning to develop a way to screen the sites for their
potential and any unintended impacts.
Community Infrastructure Levy
Develop the potential to use CIL funding to fund projects that
directly address Climate Change mitigation or adaptation.
Explore the possibility to use CIL as an incentive within the existing
Planning System and whether this is possible under the current CIL
SDNPA, MHCLG, Local Authority
Partners, Developers and
Planning Agents, Parish
The SDNPA could offer a CIL discount to homes, provided they
were built to a recognised ‘carbon standard’. This would be a
way to incentivise developers to raise the bar in terms of
sustainable building and design.
Working with our local communities.
Objective Potential Actions Lead Partner/Partnership Resources Target Date
Helping to develop resilient
Extend the scope of volunteer capacity within Parishes and local
groups to enhance community resilience to potential climate change
Make use of our existing grant-in-aid schemes, such as the
Sustainable Communities Fund (SCF) to help support Climate Change
action at a local community level.
Support Town and Parish Councils to become central point for
sharing best practice / advice with local residents on making a
positive contribution to climate change action.
Increase resilience of local communities through greater use of
green infrastructure within urban settlements.
Analyse and review current community action to identify
opportunities for adding value to existing projects to deliver climate
change outcome and tackle the CC emergency
SDNPA, Worthing Climate
Action Network, South East
Climate Alliance, Winchester
Action on Climate Change
(WinACC), Greater Brighton
Energy Group, Community Land
Trusts and Transition Town
This represents a significant amount of new work for the
SDNPA. There is a lot of action at a local level and an
opportunity to support local groups to deliver on wider
climate actions.
At present our community engagement work is delivered
through the Planning Team. Some elements of this work could
be delivered through existing staff resource – but not all of it.
We can apply learning from other outreach work from current
spatial projects such as He-Re and Truleigh Hill.
This represents a significant opportunity – but also a gap in
terms of our resourcing.
To support this additional level of community engagement –
specifically on Climate Action, we will need to secure an
additional resource.
Ongoing Programme
Climate Change Action Plan – 5 year programme (Comms Draft)