There are many factors that need to be taken into considerations when making land-use decisions, many of which cannot be mapped. This tool has some notable excisions which will need to be investigated through additional desk-based and site survey. These include landscape character or the presence of individual archaeological sites.
Therefore, this map provides only a simple first and high level assessment of suitability for woodland creation. It is not definitive and must always be followed up by gathering further information about the proposed site and its setting, and through site survey and assessment. The requirements of the Forestry Commission for all new woodland creation projects must still be met.
The High Weald AONB has been shaded deliberately on this map to indicate the specific sensitivity of this area to woodland creation. projects. This medieval landscape has a distinctive and complex landscape character which was not possible to represent in the tool. For example, it has valuable low input grassland and rare wildflower grasslands some of which are unmapped. If considering woodland creation in this area, initial guidance should be sought from the High Weald AONB Partnership (see below).