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Midhurst river Rother circular

River Rother walk

Distance: <5 miles. 2-3 miles
Location: West Sussex
Type: Easy
Duration: 1-2 hours

Getting here

By bus: There are regular services to Midhurst, visit www.traveline.info/se

Look out for the flowers of pink purslane and river crowfoot during spring walks along the river Rother. The wetland around the boardwalk is full of reedmace, willow
and rushes. You may also be lucky to spot the quick flash of a kingfisher or a bobbing  grey wagtail along fast flowing stretches. During the summer months beautiful blue banded demoiselles, a type of damselfly, gather in large numbers by the river.


  1. Opposite the main Midhurst bus stop head down North Street towards Easebourne passing South Downs National Park Authority visitor centre and
    the Midhurst Rother College.
  2. Turn left on the footpath marked Rother Walk/New Lipchis Way towards the river.
  3. Continue on the shaded path with the river on your right which opens out to a  flood plain on your left.
  4. The path soon joins a raised boardwalk over a boggy area rich with wetland plants.
  5. Arrive at a field edge. Turn right and continue following the Rother Walk along two further fields with the river below on the right.
  6. At the National Trust gate you are welcomed into Woolbeding Parkland. Cross the field on the footpath with the folly on your left into Whiphill wood.
  7. Leave the wood, crossing a field to the right of a large oak tree.
  8. Turn left at the next gate, leaving the Rother Walk. Take the footpath through another gate and through a kissing gate emerging on the A272 near to the Half
    Moon pub.
  9. Turn left and carefully follow June Lane to North Street, turning left to return to your starting point.