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A walk from Shoreham-by-Sea

Enjoy the stunning views of the Adur Valley

Distance: <5 miles. 4-5 miles
Location: West Sussex
Type: Moderate
Duration: 2-3 hours

Fairly flat with some small inclines. Grassy bridleways, uneven in places.

Getting here

This walk starts and finishes at two different bus stops along the Upper Shoreham Road. Shoreham-by-Sea railway station is 0.5 miles from the start.
By bus: There are regular services to Shoreham-by-Sea and Upper Beeding, visit traveline.info/se
By rail: The nearest railway station is Shoreham-by-Sea, visit nationalrail.co.uk

Old Shoreham Toll Bridge

Built in 1781, this bridge links Shoreham-by-Sea to Lancing and Worthing by crossing the River Adur tidal estuary. Up until the bridge closed to road traffic in 1968, when it became a bridleway, it was the A27 and cost sixpence in old money to cross.

Mill Hill Nature Reserve

Mill Hill Local Nature Reserve is important for its wildlife habitats, in particular chalk grassland. It has over half of the British butterfly species and 160 different species of plant. One of its more notable residents is the rare Adonis Blue butterfly whose caterpillar feasts on horseshoe vetch. In May the main slope of Mill Hill is a sea of yellow as this plant comes into flower.

From this hill you can see some local landmarks, as well as the curves and valleys of the South Downs. On the other side of the valley you can see Lancing College with its 19th century
gothic Chapel. To the south, Shoreham Airport stretches out across the coastal plain. The river Adur begins south of Horsham and winds its way down to the coast at Shoreham. It is tidal and becomes particularly interesting at mid-tide when the mud flats appear, attracting lots of birdlife. Look out for ringed plovers, lapwings and little egrets.


  1. From the bus stop at the Red Lion, take St Nicholas Lane until you get to The Street; turn left and head up the hill. Take the footpath signposted to the left and follow it
    around the field. Continue up to the bridge that crosses the A27. Look out for the great views across the Adur Valley.
  2. Cross the bridge and at the end take the footpath to the left. Follow this round to Mill Hill Nature Reserve and then take the footpath down the hill. Continue past old Erringham Farm and back up onto the road.
  3. Turn right and head south along the road until you reach the track on the left hand side that leads to New Erringham farm. Follow the road past the farm and round to Mossy Bottom Barn.
  4. Leave the track a short distance east of the barn and continue down towards Slonk Hill Farm.
  5. Cross the bridge over the A27 and continue on the track round to the vehicle entrance to the shopping centre.
  6. Carefully cross the road and use the pedestrian route into the car park. The bus stop is located at the south end of the covered walkway.