Spectacular South Downs Trees: nominate your favourite
Trees hold a special place for many of us, with memories of loved ones, experiences and moments.
We can see in the outpouring of emotion for the felled tree at Sycamore Gap in Northumberland National Park, how these icons shape and affect us. And the impact we feel when these trees are lost from the landscape.
Here in the South Downs, our treescape is changing with the continuing impacts of Ash Dieback and Elm Disease.
That’s why it’s so important that lost trees are replaced and our Trees for the Downs initiative is helping to reverse those losses.
We’re planting 100,000 new trees across the National Park, with friendly species, such as the Native black poplar, yew, oak, and whitebeam, as well as specially-bred disease resistant cultivars of elm.
This November, we’re inviting individuals and communities across the South Downs National Park to nominate their favourite tree.
The entries will then be shortlisted before going to a public vote, where the winning community will receive 10 trees of their own to plant, leaving a legacy for future generations to admire these icons.