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Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

To effectively tackle climate change, we must scale up nature recovery and habitat restoration efforts.

Addressing this challenge requires closing the significant funding gap that the public sector alone cannot bridge.

At the South Downs National Park Authority, we are committed to developing and testing innovative business models to attract and support investment in climate adaptation and nature recovery.

Our strategy focuses on:

  • Closing the Funding Gap: Ensuring sufficient financial resources are available to drive meaningful environmental change.
  • Supporting Businesses Who Contribute to Nature-based Solutions: Early adopters supporting nature and climate recovery are essential for the success of Nature-based Solutions. Innovators supporting these schemes should be recognised and celebrated.
  • Building Skills and Resources: Equipping landowners, farmers, and other stakeholders with the expertise needed to implement sustainable practices.
  • Channelling Investment to Landowners and Farmers: Recognising that landowners and farmers are key to enabling the land-use changes required for nature recovery. We are committed to ensuring they are fairly compensated for their strategic environmental actions.

By securing investment and ensuring it reaches the individuals managing the land, we can create a sustainable and equitable framework for delivering nature-based solutions to climate change.

Our strategy requires a strong network of partners:

  • Palladium

    The protected landscapes have been collaborating with private sector partners Palladium on the Revere platform, a UK initiative that aims to create a sustainable funding model for restoring UK nature.

    Such restoration work will reduce carbon emissions, sequester and store carbon at scale, as well as enhancing biodiversity and reducing risk of natural disasters.

    The South Downs Woodland Platform is an example of the type of innovative work the SDNPA and Palladium have produced through their collaborative working to date.

    The Platform is investment ready and withapprox.£7million of investment secured we would unlock up to 1000 ha of new woodland planting in the South Downs.

  • Earthly

    Earthly is empowering hundreds of organisations globally to tackle climate breakdown and biodiversity collapse, actively contributing to the protection and restoration of our planet.

    The South Downs National Park Authority partners with Earthly to deliver VBC metrics and to help facilitate private financing for VBCs.

    If you’d like more information on becoming a South Downs National Park Authority partner, please use the contact form below.