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Additional Services

Additional Services

Based in our Countryside Policy and Management Directorate, our Consultancy Services Team works in partnership with our chosen sites on this long term project:

  • Supporting landscape design that links to historic features, context and biodiversity opportunities within the National Park.
  • Guiding landowners through a simple end-to-end process for the registration and allocation of credits.
  • Simplifying and speeding up the process – ensuring ReNature land can be secured quickly and easily.
  • Facilitating swift transactions in nature credits, overcoming administrative and legal hurdles, and creating a ‘path of least resistance’ approach, preferred by landowners and developers.
  • Marketing and aggregating demand to ensure projects can happen at scale.
  • Providing long term assurance through expert management advice.
  • Providing strategic support to develop and access new offset opportunities i.e. the development of Carbon + scheme through a new woodland platform.
  • Lending the SDNPA’s expertise and support to set your nature credits apart from your competitors.

These services are delivered by our Consultancy Services Team, independent
of the statutory monitoring services provided by our Planning Directorate
pursuant to statutory planning agreemeents.

Option 1: Basic Service

The landowner commits a number of hectares for nature recovery taking land out of conventional farming.

This option will suit landowners who have already committed their land under an s106 agreement.

Under this option, the SDNPA does not cover any of the landowner costs; the cost of securing the land and monitoring the implementation of the HMMP is paid for up-front by the landowner, pursuant to the relevant planning agreement.

Countryside Policy and Management Directorate Services

The Consultancy Team within the CPM Directorate of the SDNPA is appointed to provide support services such as stewardship, matchmaking with potential purchasers, guidance in respect of regulatory requirements such as registration with Natural England, and use of branding.

10% commission payable to the SDNPA on sale of credits to purchasers introduced by the SDNPA.

Option 2: Strategic Partnership – Single Ecosystem Service

The landowner commits a number of hectares. for nature recovery taking land out of conventional farming.

This option is for those landowners wishing to secure only BNG or Nitrates or Phosphates but not more than one. Under this option, the SDNPA covers the costs of the following tasks as part of the services delivered by the SDNPA in return for a commission:

Planning Directorate Services

  • Preparation of a Section 106 Agreement including legal fees in connection (3rd Party legal fees are not included).
  • Registration of the Section 106 Agreement with land charges. Please Note: The landowner is always responsible for the registration of a BNG Scheme on the National Register with NE.
  • Compliance Monitoring of the landowner’s obligations pursuant to the Section 106 Agreement by the SDNPA’s Planning Directorate
  • Qualified Ecologists (CIEEM) to validate baseline and restoration vision if required.

Countryside Policy and Management Directorate Services

  • A baseline ecology survey (with accompanying report) carried out by a Qualified Ecologists (CIEEM)
  • SDNPA Input into the landscape-led nature restoration vision. (Please note: the creation of the Restoration Vision and Management Plan (HMMP for BNG) are the responsibility and the cost of the landowner).
  • Marketing and sales support.
  • Preparation of a template Allocation Agreement and the monitoring of transactions

Registration of the land and the units must be carried out by the landowner.
17% commission payable to the SDNPA on sale of credits secured through the
Section 106 Agreement.

Option 3: Partnership – Multiple Ecosystem Service

The landowner commits to no. of ha. for nature recovery taking land out of conventional farming.

This Option will suit landowners wishing to keep their options open, in terms of securing the land for BNG, Nitrates and Phosphates – this Option secures all of these credits through one Section 106 Agreement.

Under this Option, the SDNPA covers the cost of the following tasks as part of the services delivered by the SDNPA in return for a commission:

Planning Directorate Services

  • Preparation of a Section 106 Agreement including legal fees in connection (3rd Party legal fees are not included).
  • Registration of the Section 106 Agreement with land charges. Please Note: The landowner is always responsible for the registration of a BNG Scheme on the National Register with NE
  • Compliance Monitoring of the landowner’s obligations pursuant to the Section 106 Agreement by the SDNPA’s Planning Directorate
  • Qualified Ecologists (CIEEM) to validate baseline and restoration vision if required.
  • Preparation of a template Allocation Agreement and the monitoring of transactions

Countryside Policy and Management Directorate Services

  • A baseline ecology survey (with accompanying report) carried out by a Qualified Ecologists (CIEEM)
  • SDNPA Input into the landscape-led nature restoration vision. (Please note: the creation of the Restoration Vision and Management Plan (HMMP for BNG) are the responsibility and the cost of the landowner).
  • Marketing and sales support

Registration of the land and the units must be carried out by the landowner.
20% commission payable to the SDNPA on sale of credits secured through the
Section 106 Agreement.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."