Positive gains in South Downs National Park annual report
December 20, 2021
New homes and community facilities, provision of visitor accommodation and a continued increase in Red Kite numbers are among the headlines in the latest report presenting the work of the Authority.
The 2021 Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) has been published – our seventh AMR and the second to be produced since the adoption of the South Downs Local Plan in July 2019.
The AMR shows the progress on a number of planning documents as set out in the Local Development Scheme.
The AMR reports on the financial year 2020-21, where the Authority was able to achieve considerable positive impact at a local and regional level despite the challenges of the pandemic.
Among the highlights are:
A Thriving, Living Landscape
- Clear upward trend in the numbers of Red Kites
- A sample of planning applications reviewed for this AMR revealed a mean average of 36% Biodiversity Net Gain being achieved on site – significantly above the 10% mandated in the newly- enacted Environment Act
People Connected with Places
- Planning permissions were granted for visitor accommodation facilities on 34 sites, including 12 treehouses in Cowdray Park
- A net total of 13,001 m2 of new community facilities was granted planning permission
Towards a Sustainable Future
- A net total of 175 new homes were completed in the National Park.
- Of these new homes, 11 were affordable
- We have a 6.61 year supply of deliverable housing sites
- A net total of 1,954 m2 of new employment floorspace was completed
- Six new viticulture schemes were permitted