Plans submitted for Lewes Bus Station site
May 12, 2022
A planning application for the Lewes Bus Station site has been submitted to the National Park Authority and details are available on our website planning portal by searching: SDNP/22/02197/FUL.
The Authority will consider the information that has been provided as part of its assessment of the application.
How to view and comment on the application
The application can be view via the Public Access System, typing in the reference number SDNP/22/02197/FUL.
We recommend that comments are submitted directly via this system. Comments submitted this way are published instantly and become formal parts of the application documentation which can be viewed by the public straight away.
While every effort is made to remove contact information such as email addresses, telephone numbers and signatures it is advisable not to include any information you don’t wish to be made public.
The SDNPA has adopted a protocol for dealing with any representations that are alleged to contain inappropriate content.
Alternatively you can send comments to us by post addressed to SDNPA, South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH or via email to
Please also note that if you submit comments on this application via any other online petition or alternative online system, in some instances those comments may not be submitted to us (so they are not received / registered and will not be considered when we assess the application). Also in some instances your details and comments are passed to us (including personal details) and we may communicate with you throughout the process of considering the application (such as notifying of amendments or committee scheduling). Therefore, we recommend comments are submitted via our Public Access System.