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Coldean Neighbourhood Forum

Coldean Neighbourhood Forum

The Coldean Neighbourhood Forum (CNF) has been designated and is preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Coldean. Further details are available on the Coldean Neighbourhood Forum website.

The following stages and documents have been completed.

Statutory stage Further information & documents
Regulation 14 – Pre-submission consultation The Coldean Neighbourhood Forum (CNF) carried out a pre-submission consultation on the Draft Coldean Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) between 18 June and 30 July 2024.  Further information is available on the Brighton & Hove City Council website.
Designated Neighbourhood Area & Neighbourhood Forum

The Coldean Neighbourhood Forum (CNF) submitted two applications on 06 August 2021 to designate the Coldean Neighbourhood Area and Coldean Neighbourhood Forum.  These applications were subject to consultation between 26 August and 22 October 2021.

The SDNPA designated the part of the Coldean Neighbourhood Area and Coldean Neighbourhood Forum that are within the National Park on 23 December 2021.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."