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The South Downs Local Plan Review

First public consultation (Reg 18) on the revised Local Plan is now closed

The first public consultation closed on 17 March 2025. Thank you to everyone who has responded.  The feedback is currently under review, and all contributions will be carefully considered as we develop the next version of the plan.

The award-winning South Downs Local Plan is being reviewed to ensure it is up-to-date and addresses important issues such as nature recovery, climate change, affordable housing and helping local communities thrive.

Consultation Hub

Read or download the draft revised Local Plan and view previous consultation materials.   Comments submitted on the consultation platform regarding policies and evidence are now live and available to view at  https://sdnpalocalplanreview.commonplace.is/

Comments made on site-specific issues are not yet live. We are checking these for personal information and other GDPR issues and all comments received will be published in due course, with all personal information redacted.

You can see the adopted South Downs Local Plan and Policies Map 2014-2033 on this page.