Partner Authority Notices
Date | The Land | The Alleged Breach | Enforcement Notice |
24 March 2025 | Land East of Seven Stars, Winchester Road, Stroud, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3PG | Within the last 10 years and without planning permission – the unauthorised commencement of development consisting of the engineering operation to level the land and install a hardcore entrance in preparation of the material change of use of the land to a residential caravan site use | Temporary Stop Notice and Plan |
17 March 2025 | Land at Sheelds Copse, Damson Hill, Bishops, Waltham, Hampshire | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the Land to a mixed use for agriculture and as a residential caravan site | Enforcement Notice and Plan |
6 March 2025 | Land at The Watermill, Halfway Bridge, Lodsworth, West Sussex, GU28 9BP | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the Land to use for the stationing of a mobile home and touring caravan for the purposes of human habitation | Enforcement Notice and Plan |
13 January 2025 | Land at Abesters, Quell Lane, Lurgashall, West Sussex, GU27 3BS | Without planning permission, the erection of a gate and fence in the approximate positions shown on the Plan | Enforcement Notice and Plan |
10 December 2024 | Sybs Farm, Jobsons Lane, Windfall Wood Common, Lurgashall, West Sussex, GU27 3BX | Without planning permission, the erection of an outbuilding in the approximate position shown on the Plan | Sybs Farm – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
5 December 2024 | Sandy Meadow Farm, Bignor Park Road, Bignor, West Sussex, RH20 1HQ | Without planning permission the material change of use of the Land to a use for the stationing of mobile homes for the purposes of human habitation | Sandy Meadow Farm – Change of Use Enforcement Notice and Plan |
5 December 2024 | Sandy Meadow Farm, Bignor Park Road, Bignor, West Sussex, RH20 1HQ | Without planning permission, the construction of a barn and an area of hardstanding in the approximate positions shown on the Plan | Sandy Meadow Farm – Building Operation Enforcement Notice and Plan |
15 November 2024 | Land at Mulberry Cottage, 3 Combe Hill Close, Rogate, West Sussex, GU31 5DS | Without planning permission, the erection of an outbuilding and a retaining wall in the approximate positions shown on the Plan. | Land at Mulberry Cottage – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
8 November 2024 | Land at Plot 70 West of Lovedean Lane, Horndean, Hampshire | Without planning permission and within the last 10 years the operational development of the Land consisting of the creation of a wooden base constituting the commencement of the erection of a building and engineering operations to alter levels surrounding the base of the building | |
5 November 2024 | The Old Stable Lythe Lane Steep Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1AT | Without planning permission and within the last 4 years, a material change of use of land to create a new residential planning unit consisting of an independent residential dwelling house comprising of the conversion of an equestrian stable | The Old Stable Lythe Land – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
22 October 2024 | Land at Plot 70 West of Lovedean Lane, Horndean, Hampshire | Without planning permission and within the last 10 years the carrying out of engineering operations, the erection of fencing, and the erection of a building. | |
16 October 2024 | Land north west of Blackdown House, Fernden Lane, Lurgashall, GU27 3BS |
Without planning permission, (a) the alteration of the eastern elevation of an existing barn by the installation of double glazed French doors and the construction of a raised timber platform with timber balustrades and staircase in the approximate position shown on the Plan, and (b) the construction of a free standing raised timber platform with timber balustrades in the approximate position shown on the Plan. |
Land north west of Blackdown House – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
24 September 2024 | Land at West Fork, Farnham Road, Liss, GU33 6LA | Without planning permission and within the last 10 years, the material change of use of land from agriculture to caravan storage and repair, and associated operational development | |
15 August 2024 | Land East of Flint Acre Farm, Bignor Park Road, Bignor, West Sussex, RH20 1HQ | Without planning permission the material change of use of the Land to the storage of a mobile home and agriculture | Land East of Flint Acre Farm – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
18 July 2024 | Land at Horse Chestnut Farm, The Causeway, Petersfield, GU31 4LR | Within the last 10 years, the commercial use of the site in Breach of Condition 3 of SDNP/15/03090/FUL and Condition 2 of SDNP/16/05326/FUL | Land at Horse Chestnut Farm – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
20 May 2024 | Land at Moody’s Meadow, Petersfield Road, Bramdean, Hampshire | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the land to a residential caravan site; together with any operational development associated with the material change of use of the land | Land at Moody’s Meadow – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
18 April 2024 | Land at Studio Cottage, 23 Pulens Lane, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU31 4BZ | Without planning permission and within the last 4 years, a material change of use of land to create a new planning unit consisting of an independent residential dwelling house comprising of a conversion of a vehicular garage | |
15 April 2024 | Land at Field South East of Beggers Corner, Halfway Bridge, Lodsworth, West Sussex, GU28 9BP | Without planning permission the material change of use to a mixed or duel use for the storage of a caravan and for the grazing of horses | Land at Field South East of Beggers Corner – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
18 January 2024 | Land at 1 Hill View, Petersfield, Road, Greatham, Hampshire, GU33 6EY | Without planning permission and within the last 10 years, the creation of a new planning unit comprising of the stationing of caravan for residential purposes | |
23 November 2023 | Land at Marsh Green Farm, New Buildings Lane, West Worldham, Alton shown edged red on the attached plans (“the Land”) | Within the last 10 years and without planning permission, the material change of use from woodland to residential land. | |
17 November 2023 | Land adjoining Whiteflood Farmhouse, Owslebury, Winchester also known as Stables, Whiteflood meadows, Belmore Lane, Owslebury, Hampshire, SO21 1JW |
Without planning permission: i) The material change of use of the land to equestrian; ii) The erection on the land of buildings to facilitate the unauthorised use in (i) |
Land adjoining Whiteflood Farmhouse – Enforcement Notice and map |
6 November 2023 | Land East of Bulchins Copse (Windy Hill Ark), A272, Strood Green, Kirdford, West Sussex, RH14 0HL | Without planning permission the material change of use of the Land to a mixed or dual use of agriculture and the stationing of a caravan for the purposes of human habitation. | Land East of Bulchins Copse (Windy Hill Ark) – Enforcement Notice and map |
6 November 2023 | Land at Hurstfold Farm, Hurstfold Farm Road, Fernhurst, West Sussex | Breach of Condition 4 – No development above slab level shall commence until a further detailed scheme of soft and hard landscape works has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. | Land at Hurstfold Farm – Breach of Condition Notice |
26 October 2023 | The Flying Bull Inn, London Road, Liss, GU33 7JB | Without planning permission and within the last 10 years – a material change of use of land comprising of the stationing of a caravan for residential purposes and the erection of perimeter fencing | |
26 October 2023 | Land at Dickhurst Lodge, Petworth Road, Lurgashall, Haslemere, West Sussex, GU27 3BG | Without planning permission, the formation of an access track in the approximate position on the Plan | Land at Dickhurst Lodge – Enforcement Notice and map |
11 October 2023 | Land at Willow Spring Farm, Hillgrove Lane, Northchapel, Petworth, West Sussex, GU28 9EN | Without planning permission, the material change of use of a building (in the approximate position shown on the Plan) to use as a single dwelling house. | Land at Willow Spring Farm – Enforcement Notice and map |
11 October 2023 | Building at Woodcraft Park Farm, Dial Green Lane, Lurgashall, Petworth, West Sussex, GU28 9EU | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the Building to a mixed or duel use for agriculture, storage of camping equipment and for the stationing of a caravan for the purposes of human habitation. | Building at Woodcraft Park Farm – Enforcement Notice and map |
4 October 2023 | Land at the former Coal Yard, School Close, Fittleworth, West Sussex |
The following condition no.4 has not been complied with: “Development shall not commence until full details of the proposed surface water drainage scheme have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The design should follow the hierarchy of preference for different types of surface water drainage disposal systems as set out in Approved Document H of the Building Regulations and the SUDS Manual produced by CIRIA. Winter groundwater monitoring to establish highest annual ground water levels and Percolation testing to BRE 365, or similar approved, will be required to support the design of any Infiltration drainage. No building shall be occupied until the complete surface water drainage system serving the property has been implemented in accordance with the agreed details.” |
Land at the form Coal Yard – Breach of Condition Notice and Plans |
5 September 2023 | Land at Hucksholt Farm, Compton, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 9NS | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the land to the stationing of a mobile home for the purposes of human habitation | Land at Hucksholt Farm – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
29 August 2023 | Land to The West of Parsonage Barn, Oxenbourne Lane, Oxenbourne, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1EW | Within the last 10 years and without planning permission the change of use of the land to equestrian use and the operational development consisting of the formation of a new access and sand gallop track around the perimeter of the field. | Land to The West of Parsonage Barn – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
22 August 2023 | Land and Building known as Becksfield Farm, Hollycombe Lane, Linch, Liphook, West Sussex, GU30 7NQ | Without planning permission, the change of use of part of the Building (in the approximate location shown on the Plan and marked “Plot 2 Dwelling house”) to use as a single dwellinghouse. | Land at Becksfield Farm – Enforcement Notice and Plan – Plot 2 |
22 August 2023 | Land and Building known as Becksfield Farm, Hollycombe Lane, Linch, Liphook, West Sussex, GU30 7NQ | Without planning permission, the change of use of part of the Building (in the approximate location shown on the Plan and marked “Plot 1 Dwelling house”) to use as a single dwellinghouse. | Land at Becksfield Farm – Enforcement Notice and Plan – Plot 1 |
8 August 2023 | Land at Erickers, The Street, Lodsworth, Petworth, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the erection of an outbuilding in the approximate position shown on the Plan | Land at Erickers – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
7 August 2023 | Land of Rose Cottage, High Street, Duncton, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the construction of a shipping container building in the approximate position shown on the attached plan | Land at Rose Cottage – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
3 August 2023 | Land at Roman Mile Farm, Bignor Park Road, Bignor, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the Land to use for the stationing of caravans for the purposes of human habitation and the use of the stable buildings for associated residential purposes | Land at Roman Mile Farm – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
2 August 2023 | Land at Green Lanes Farm, Back Lane, Forestside, Stoughton, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the erection of a barn and the construction of a concrete hardstanding | Land at Green Lanes Farm – Enforcement Notice and Plan |
27 July 2023 | Land East of Noredown Way, West Marden, Chichester, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the formation of a hardstanding area and a hard surfaced track in the approximate. | Land East of Noredown Way – Enforcement Notice and Map |
26 July 2023 | Land at The Rubbing House, Town Lane, Singleton, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0SP | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the Land to a use for recreational amenity and storage | Land at The Rubbing House – Enforcement Notice and map |
25 July 2023 | Land at Brookvale, Mill Valle Meadows, Milland, Liphook, West Sussex | Breach of Condition 4 – Before the first occupation of the garage building hereby permitted the two new rooflights on the front elevation shall be fitted with obscure glazing. The rooflights shall be securely fitted and non-opening. The window(s) shall be permanently retained as such thereafter. |
Land at Brookvale – Breach of Condition Notice and Site Plan
11 July 2023 | Land at Pivotts Farm Washington Road Steyning | Without planning permission, the change of use of the Land from agricultural use to a mixed use of agricultural, storage of vehicles, and the stationing of a mobile home for the purpose of human habitation and the erection of sheds and structures in connection with the unauthorised residential use. |
Land at Pivotts Farm – Enforcement Notice |
5 July 2023 | Land at Bellows Bramlands Lane Woodmancote Henfield | Without planning permission, the retention of an all-weather playing surface with fence surround |
Land at Bellows – Enforcement |
22 June 2023 | Land at Downlands Farm, Ovenhay Copse Lane, Priors Dean, Petersfield, GU32 1BP | Within the last 10 years, the erection of a building on agricultural land in Breach of Condition 5 (SDNP/13/05088/FUL). | |
10 May 2023 |
Quin Hay Farm, Petersfield Road, Froxfield, Petersfield, GU32 1BZ
The following condition has not been complied with: Condition 3: Notwithstanding the changes of use permitted within Part 3 of Schedule 2 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any order revoking, re-enacting or modifying that Order) the development hereby permitted shall be used for purposes as set out within the supporting information, as that of a vehicle repair yard, servicing and online sales centre for classic cars only, and for no other purpose. Reason – In order to maintain control over future use of the premises in the interests of the general amenity of the area, neighbouring amentiy and highway safety. |
Breach of Condition Notice – Quin Hay Farm |
10 May 2023 | Belmore Cottage, Belmore Lane, Upham, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 1NQ | Without planning permission the material change of use of the building shown marked in the approximate location with an X on the attached plan to use as a separate dwelling house. | Enforcement Notice – Belmore Cottage |
28 April 2023 | The Drove, Ditchling, West Sussex |
Without planning permission, the material change of use of the land from agriculture to camping and leisure taking place in excess of that permitted under Part 4 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(England)(Order) 2015.
Enforcement Notice – The Drove |
9 February 2023 | Land at Rother Barn, Farnham Road, Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6LJ | Within the last 10 years and without planning permission a material change of use from agricultural land to a mixed use of agriculture and storage use with Lorry Park (sui generis) and associated operational development. | Enforcement Notice – Rother Barn Site Plan – Rother Barn |
20 January 2023 | Personage Barn (land adjacent, Oxenbourne Lane, Oxenbourne, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1QL | Breach of Condition 3 – Within 3 months of this permission, details of a scheme for foul and surface water drainage has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. | |
18 October 2022 | Land south of Christmas Cottage (Oakmoor Place), Green Street, East Worldham, Kingsley, Bordon | Without planning permission and within the last 10 years a material change of use of land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes, comprising of the siting of 1 mobile home, and 1 touring caravan, welfare unit, residential paraphernalia, including the creation of a hard surface, erection of fencing, shed and creation of vehicular access points. | |
5 August 2022 | Land East of Land known as (The Strip Lynchets), Land East of Lovedean Lane, Horndean Waterlooville | Without planning permission and within the last 4 years, The formation of a new vehicular access, the laying of hard surfaces, the erection of a stable, the siting of a container and the erection of gates and fencing. | Enforcement Notice – Land East of Lovedean Lane |
1 August 2022 | The Milburys, Beauworth Road, Beauworth, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 0PB |
Without Listed Building Consent the execution of works to the Listed Building in contravention of Sections 7 and 9 of the Act as follows:
Enforcement Notice – the Milburys |
27 July 2022 | Land at Copygrove Copse, Valentine’s Lea, Valentine’s Hill, Northchapel, GU28 9EH | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the land to a mixed use for forestry and leisure purposes. | Enforcement Notice – Land at Copygrove Copse |
27 July 2022 | Smugglers Cottage, Jobsons Lane, Windfall Wood Common, Lurgashall | Without planning permission, the erection of an outbuilding. | Enforcement Notice – Smugglers Cottage |
27 July 2022 | Wispers, Titty Hill, Milland, Midhurst | Without planning permission, the erection of a dwelling house. | Enforcement Notice – Wispers |
22 July 2022 | Kingsbrook Farm, The Street, Kingston, East Sussex, BN7 3NT | Without planning permission, and within the last four years the siting of a mobile home on land as shown on the attached plan. |
Enforcement Notice – Kingsbrook Farm Enforcement Notice – Map |
15 July 2022 | Land adjacent to 22 Queen Street, Twyford, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1QG | Section 215 Notice – Untidy land. | Enforcement Notice – Land Adjacent to 22 Queen Street, Twyford |
4 July 2022 | Land at the Pond Opposite Ivy House, Ivyhouse Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hamprshire | Without planning permission and within the last four years, unauthorised creation of a jetty. | Enforcement Notice – Land at the Pond Opposite Ivy Farm |
30 June 2022 | Land at former Coal Yard, School Close, Fittleworth, West Sussex | Breach of Condition 4. | Breach of Condition Notice – Coal Yard |
13 June 2022 | Land at Link Farm, Wiggonholt, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 2EL | Within the last 10 years and without planning permission, the change of use of the land for the continued use for the storage of bricks on the Land. |
Enforcement Notice – Land at Link Farm |
8 June 2022 | Land at North Marden Farm, East Marden Road, North Marden, West Sussex | Without planning permission, construction of two buildings in the approximate positions shown and marked ‘East Barn’ and ‘West Barn’ on the attached plan. | Enforcement Notice – Variation of HT-32 – North Marden Farm |
11 May 2022 | Land at North Marden Farm, East Marden Road, North Marden, West Sussex | Without planning permission, construction of two buildings in the approximate positions shown and marked ‘East Barn’ and ‘West Barn’ on the attached plan. | Enforcement Notice – North Marden Farm H32 |
17 April 2022 | Land at The Crescent, Newhaven | Without planning permission, the excavation and clearance of the land , the removal of the top soil , the importing and laying of material to create a hard surface. |
Enforcement Notice – The Crescent, Newhaven |
2 February 2022
WITHDRAWN 2 July 2024 |
Land at Truleigh House, Truleigh Hill, Shoreham on Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5FB |
Within the last 4 years and without planning permission, the erection of a stable building. WITHDRAWN |
5 January 2022 | Land known as Paddock View, adjacent to Quin Hay Farm, Petersfield Road, Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1BZ |
Without planning permission and within the last 10 years, A material change of use of the land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes. |
Enforcement notice – Paddock View, Quinn Hay Farm |
11 November 2021 | Horse Chestnut Farm, The Causeway, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU31 4LR | Planning Condition 3 has not been complied with – the development hereby permitted shall be used only for private, non-commercial, stabling and equestrian use and shall at no time be used for any trade or business including livery stabling. | Enforcement Notice – Horse Chestnut Farm |
29 September 2021 | Land at Bermuda, Southbrook Road, West Ashling, Funtington, West Sussex | Without planning permission, construction of a timber building and the laying and compaction of hardcore to form a hardstanding. | Enforcement Notice – Land at Bermuda |
13 September 2021 | Land known as Lone Barn Farm, Church Lane, Greatham, Liss, GU33 6HB | Without planning permission and within the last 10 years, A material change of use of the land to a mixed use of agriculture and the stationing of a caravan for residential purposes. | Enforcement notice – lone barn farm |
25 August 2021 | Land at Osiers Farm, London Road, Petworth, West Sussex | Planning permission condition 3 has not been complied with – no more than 6 HGV’s/trailers shall be parked at the application site at any one time unless agreed by way of an application to the SDNPA on that behalf. | Enforcement Notice – Osiers Farm |
05 August 2021 | Land South of Harting Combe House, Sandy Lane, Rake, Rogate, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the land the stationing of a mobile shepherd’s hut for the purposes of human habitation together with the use of a wooden building for the purposes of human habitation. | Enforcement Notice – Land South of Harting Coombe House |
28 June 2021 | Douglaslake Farm, Little Bognor Road, Fittleworth | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the land and buildings to a use as a storage and distribution centre (Use Class B8). | Enforcement Notice – Douglaslake Farm |
9 June 2021 | Land north west side of Hurst Lane, Privett, Alton | Without planning permission and within the last 10 years, A material change of use to a mixed use of residential use and equestrian use. | Enforcement Notice – Hurst Farm |
8 June 2021 | Land at Three Cornered Piece, East Harting Hollow Road, East Harting, West Sussex | Planning condition has not been met. | Land at Three Cornered Piece – Enforcement Notice |
28 May 2021 | Land north of Hurst Farm Bungalows, Hurst Lane, Privett, Alton, Hampshire | Without planning permission and within the last 10 years, A material change of use to a mixed use of residential use and equestrian use. | Land North of Hurst Farm Bungalows – Enforcement Notice |
25 May 2021 | Land at Pippin Farm, Toat Lane, Pulborough, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the erection of an unauthorised temporary farm office. | Land at Pippin Farm – Enforcement Notice |
27 January 2021 | Land North of Blind Lane, Lurgashall, West Sussex | The erection of an agricultural building. |
Land North of Blind Lane – Enforcement Notice |
18 December 2020 | Land at The Crescent, Newhaven, East Sussex | The excavation and clearance of the land , the removal of the top soil , the importing and laying of material to create a hard surface. | |
13 February 2020 | Half Moon, Petersfield Road, Midhurst, West Sussex | The demolition of the southern part of an outbuilding, the alteration of the window in the south west elevation, the boarding up of the south east elevation with timber planks, and the removal of the corrugated sheeting on the southern roof slope and replacement with asphalt felting. | Half Moon – Listed Building Enforcement Notice |
13 February 2020 | Half Moon, Petersfield Road, Midhurst, West Sussex | The erection of a close boarded fence. | Half Moon – Enforcement Notice |
08 January 2020 | Field South East of Beggars Corner, Halfway Bridge, Lodsworth, West Sussex | The erection of a timber stable building. | Enforcement Notice – Land South East of Beggers Corner |
10 December 2019 | Bramdean Cottage, Petersfield Road, Bramdean, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 0LW | Without planning permission, the erection of a close boarded wooden fence. The location of the fence is shown as a blue line on the plan attached to this Notice | Enforcement Notice and map – Bramdean Cottage |
28 August 2019 | Land at Coombe House, Marley Heights, Fernhurst, West Sussex | Change of use of the Land to use as garden land in association with the dwelling house known as Coombe House | Enforcement Notice – Coombe House |
12 July 2019 | Recreational Plot, Land Adjacent to Long Road, Soberton, Hampshire | Change of use of the land from agricultural to a recreational garden together with the erection of an ancillary shed, structures for plants and fenced enclosures | Enforcement Notice – Land Adjacent to Long Road – Recreational Plot |
12 July 2019 | Recreational Plot Two, Land Adjacent to Long Road, Soberton, Hampshire | Change of use of the land from agricultural garden together with an ancillary caravan, structures for plants and fenced enclosures. | Enforcement Notice – Land Adjacent to Long Road – Recreational Plot Two |
12 July 2019 | Eastern Site of Land Adjacent to Long Road, Soberton, Hampshire | Erection of gates, fences and other means of enclosure on the Land. | Enforcement Notice – Land Adjacent to Long Road – Article 4 |
12 July 2019 | Northern Corner of Land Adjacent to Long Road, Soberton, Hampshire | Erection of gates, fences and other means of enclosure on the Land. | Enforcement Notice – Land Adjacent to Long Road – Northern Corner – Article 4 |
12 July 2019 | Encampment, Land Adjacent to Long Road, Soberton, Hampshire | Change of use of the Land from agricultural use to use for the siting of two residential caravans and storage of associated domestic items, the ancillary keeping of domestic animals and the erection of associated shelters, structures and enclosures. | Enforcement Notice – Land Adjacent to Long Road – Encampment |
12 July 2019 | Encampment Two, Land Adjacent to Long Road, Soberton, Hampshire | Change of use of the Land from agricultural use to use for the siting of residential caravans and storage of associated domestic items, the ancillary keeping of domestic animals and the erection of associated shelters, structures and enclosures. | Enforcement Notice – Land Adjacent to Long Road – Encampment Two |
01 July 2019 | Land at Three Cornered Piece, Hollow Road, East Harting, Chichester, West Sussex | The erection of brick pillars and gates. | Enforcement Notice – Three Cornered Piece |
19 June 2019 | Land at Three Cornered Piece, Hollow Road, East Harting, Chichester, West Sussex | Breach of conditions 1 and 2 of APP/Y9507/W/17/3184039 | Breach of Condition Notice – Three Cornered Piece |
12 June 2019 | Land at 1 Green Acre, Inland Road, Nutbourne, Chichester, West Sussex | The use of the access track by building construction traffic, consisting of lorries, vans, plant and machinery and associated cars. | Stop Notice – Land at 1 Green Acre |
12 June 2019 | Building at 1 Green Acre, Inland Road, Nutbourne, Chichester, West Sussex | Change of use of the Building to use as a dwellinghouse. | Enforcement Notice – Building at 1 Green Acre |
12 June 2019 | Land at 1 Green Acre, Inland Road, Nutbourne, Chichester, West Sussex | Change of use of the land to use as a building site compound and the stationing of a catering van. | Enforcement Notice – Land at 1 Green Acre |
31 January 2019 | Land at Northend House, Polecats, Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex | The erection of iron gates, brick pillars, bollards and kerb lighting and the laying of a shingle and tarmac hardstanding with grey cobbled retaining strips. | Enforcement Notice – Land at Northend House |
28 January 2019 | Land at Flint Acre Farm, Bignor Park Road, West Sussex | Change of use of part of the first floor of an agricultural building for residential purposes. | Enforcement Notice – Flint Acre Farm |
23 January 2019 | Building at The White House, The Green, Fernhurst, West Sussex | Without listed building consent, the partial demolition of a boundary wall, which is within the curtilage of the Building. | Building at The White House, The Green Fernhurst, West Sussex |
10 January 2019 | Land at Brooms Farm, High Street, Chilgrove, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 9HZ | Change of use of the land for the stationing of a mobile home for the purpose of human habitation. | Enforcement Notice – Land at Brooms Farm |
28 November 2018 | Land at Lithersgate Common, Bedham Lane, Fittleworth, West Sussex | Change of use of the Land to a BMX cycle track. | Enforcement Notice – Land at Lithersgate Common |
9 October 2018 | Plot 107, Land Adjacent to Long Road, Soberton, Hampshire | Material change of use of the Land from agriculture to a mixed use of agriculture and use as a residential caravan site together with ancillary operational development. | Enforcement Notice – Plot 107 Long Road |
26 September 2018 | Land at Jays Farm, Jays Lane, Lurgashall, Haslemere, West Sussex | The construction of an access track and hardstanding. | Enforcement Notice – Land at Jays Farm |
14 August 2018 | Land at Iford Farm, The Street, Iford, BN7 3EU | Material change of sue of the Land from agriculture to a mixed use of the land for agriculture and for the shooting of game birds (including partridge an pheasant) for sport in the shooting season (1 September – 1 February), with the shooting of game birds for sport in the shooting season taking place in excess of that permitted under Part 4 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015. This Order currently permits the temporary use of Land for no more than 28 days in total in any calendar year. | Enforcement Notice – Land at Iford Farm |
18 July 2018 | Land North-West of Little Cottage, 28 Coates Lane, Fittleworth, RH20 1ES | Change of use of the Land to garden land in association with the dwellinghouse known as ‘’Little Cottage’’ | Enforcement Notice – Little Cottage |
5 July 2018 | 49-51 Station Road, Liss, Hampshire, GU33 7AA | Without planning permission and within the last 4 years, the installation of a shop front. | Enforcement Notice – Station Road, Liss |
4 July 2018 | Land and building at Cowdown Farm, Cowdown lane, Compton, Chichester, West Sussex | Construction of a gable end wall in the west elevation of the building supporting a new first floor within the building. | Enforcement Notice – Land and building at Cowdown Farm |
2 July 2018 | Land at Foxbury Farm, West Burton Lane, West Burton, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1HD | Construction of a concrete hardstanding | Enforcement Notice – Land at Foxbury Farm |
27 June 2018 | Land at Home Paddock Stables, Hambrooks Hill North, Hambrook, West Sussex | Change of use of the land to a mixed use for equine purposes and the stationing of a mobile shepherd’s hut the purposes of human habitation | Enforcement Notice – Land at Home Paddock Stables |
19 June 2018 | Land at 3 Claypit Cottages, Redford, Midhurst, GU29 0QF | Alleged Breach of Condition: Condition 3 of SDNP/16/03933/CND | Enforcement Notice – Land at 3 Claypit Cottages, Redford |
19 June 2018 | Land West of Junction with Dangstein Road and Borden Lane, Borden, Milland, West Sussex | Change of use of the land to mixed use comprising camping, education and training courses and manufacture of wood products. | Enforcement Notice – Land West of Junction with Dangstein Road and Borden Lane |
13 June 2018 | Building at Flint Acre Farm, Bignor Park Road, West Sussex, RH20 1EZ | Change of use of the Building to use as a single dwelling house. | Enforcement Notice – Building at Flint Acre Farm, Bignor Park Road |
27 April 2018 | Land at Lords, School Lane, Sheet, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 2AS | The retention of the swimming pool and timber decking is an intrusion of domestic use into the South Downs National Park countryside affecting its character and intrinsic beauty. | Enforcement Notice 2 – Lords, School Lane |
27 April 2018 | Land at Lords, School Lane, Sheet, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 2AS | The change of use of land to a domestic garden is an intrusion of domestic use into the South Downs National Park Countryside adversely affecting its character and intrinsic beauty. | Enforcement Notice – Lords, School Lane |
3 April 2018 | Foxhole Farm, Seaford Road, Newhaven | The unauthorised siting of a mobile home for residential use contrary to condition 1 attached to planning approval SDNP/12/00846/FUL. | Enforcement Notice – Foxhole Farm |
19 March 2018 | Sydenham Cottage, West Burton Road, West Burton, Pulborough, West Sussex | S215 Untidy Land | S215 Notice – Sydenham Cottage |
26 February 2018 | Land northwest of the Laundry Cottage, Dangstein Woods, Dangstein Road, Rogate, West Sussex | Change of use of the land to a mixed use for leisure, education and training purposes and for the production of timber products. | Enforcement Notice – Laundry Cottage |
18 January 2018 | Kingston Farm, The Street, Kingston | Material change of use of the land from agricultural use to a mixed use for agricultural use and for the stationing of a mobile trailer unit and the use of the mobile trailer unit to cook and sell hot food from the land. | Enforcement Notice – Kingston Farm |
19 December 2017 | YHA, Itford Farm Limited, Castle Works, Westgate Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1YR | The siting of a shower WC cabin unit in the approximate position marked in blue on the attached plan. | Enforcement Notice – YHA, Lewes |
29 November 2017 | New Barn Farm, Common Road, Funtington – Enforcement Notice | Without planning permission, change of use of the land to B8 commercial storage. | Enforcement Notice – New Barn Farm |
29 November 2017 | Land at Sandy Meadow Farm, Bignor Park Road, Bignor | Breach of Condition – The following condition has not been complied with:
The Council considers that this condition has not been complied with because the permission was a personal permission for retention of a mobile home on the land to be occupied by the previous owner. He occupied the mobile home until his death in December 2013. Therefore, the mobile home should have been removed from the land. However, the mobile home remains stationed on the land. |
10 October 2017 | Land at 1 Down Close, Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex | Without planning permission, change of use of the land to garden land in association with dwellinghouse known as 1 Down Close. | Enforcement Notice – Land at 1 Down Close, Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex |
14 June 2017 | Land south of Braefoot, Southbrook Road, West Ashling | Without planning permission, change of use of the land to use as a residential caravan site. | Enforcement Notice – Land south of Braefoot |
9 June 2017 | Wootton Farm, Novington Lane, East Chiltington | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the land from agricultural use to residential by the sitting of a mobile home for use as a residential dwelling. | Enforcement Notice – Wootton Farm |
26 May 2017 | Land at The Sanctuary, Manor Farm Green, Twyford, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1RA | Without planning permission, the creation of a dwelling house with a raised platform/patio. | Enforcement Notice – Land at The Sanctuary Manor Farm Green |
3 May 2017 | East Harting Farm, Hollist Lane, East Harting, West Sussex | Without listed building consent the partial demolition of the building and erection of timber frame extension in the spproximate position shown coloured black on the attached plan. | Partner Enf Notice – East Harting Farm EN (Ref HT 26) (3.5.2017) |
9 March 2017 | 26 Station Road, Petersfield Hampshire GU32 3ES | Without planning permission and within the last 4 years, the erection of a fence in excess of 1 m in height to the public highway. | EN Notice 26 Station Road, Petersfield |
2 March 2017 | Land to the south of The Old Stables, Mill Lane, Stedham, Midhurst, West Sussex | Without planning permission, formation of a hard-surfaced access track in the approximate position shown on the attached plan. | Enf Notice Land south of Old Stables, Mill lane Stedham 2.3.2017 |
2 February 2017 | Building as the Mill, Eartham, West Sussex | Without planning permission, change of use of the building to use as a single dwelling house. | Enforcement Notice – building as Mill Eartham West Sussex |
19 December 2016 | Land South of Braefoot, Southbrook Road, West Ashling, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the change of use of the land for stationing of a mobile home for the purposes of human habitation. | Enforcement Notice – Land South of Braefoot W Ashling |
15 November 2016 | Land at River Farm Brookfield Lane Tillington Petworth West Sussex. |
On 27th July 2005 planning permission was granted for “Formation of an agricultural hardstanding, new access track and earth bund. Land North of River Barn Brookfield Lane River Tillington Petworth West Sussex” reference TL/05/02121/FUL, subject to conditions.One of those conditions was that 4) At no time shall any mobile homes or caravans be stationed in the permitted hard-standing other than those required for occupation by seasonal workers on the farm and all such caravans shall be removed immediately at the end of the season. It appears to the Council that the condition is not being complied with because caravans are stationed permanently on the permitted hard-standing and are occupied by persons who are not seasonal workers at River Farm. |
Enforcement Notice – River Farm, Brookfield |
21 December 2016 | Part of a building known as Thomand House North Street Midhurst west Sussex. | Without planning permission, the formation of a door in northern elevation of the building and the installation of a steel balustrade (to form a roof terrace at second floor level) | Enforcement Notice – Building Known as Thomand House |
23 September 2016 | Land at Redroof Tripp Hill Fittleworth, West Sussex. | Without planning permission, the erection of a 2.0 metre high close boarded fence on the western boundary of the land adjacent to B2138 | Enforcement Notice – Land At Redroof, Tripp Hill |
16 September 2016 | Land at Old Hearne Farm, Jays Lane, Lurgashall, West Sussex. | Without planning permission, the erection of a building and laying of a stone pavement. | Enforcement Notice – Old Hearne Farm |
16 September 2016 | Land to the north-east and west of Northurst Farm, Dial Green Lane, Lurgashall, West Sussex. | Without planning permission, the change of use of the land to use as garden land is association with the dwelling house known as Northurst Farmhouse. | Enforcement Notice – Land to the North-East and West of Northurst Farm |
19 September 2016 | Land south of Stroods, Strood Green, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. | Without planning permission, use of the land as garden land in association with the dwelling known as the Stroods. | Enforcement Notice (Use of the Land as Garden Land) – Land south of Stroods, Strood Green |
19 September 2016 | Land south of Stroods, Strood Green, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. | Without planning permission, the erection of a tennis court with a chainlink fence as a means of enclosure and a greenhouse. | Enforcement Notice (Erection of a Tennis Court) – Land south of Stroods, Strood Green |
23 August 2016 | Land at Old Wells Cottage, Main Road, Owslebury, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1LU |
The following condition has not been complied with: 2) The materials to be used in the construction of the development hereby permitted shall be those as detailed in the materials section of the accompanying application forms and as annotated on the approved drawing 107 Rev. D. |
Breach of Condition Notice – Land at Old Wells Cottage |
22 August 2016 | 1 Hill View Petersfield Road, Greatham Liss GU33 6EY | Without planning permission and within the last ten years the change of use of the land to storage. | |
18 August 2016 | Land at 1 Sutton Hollow, The Street, Sutton, West Sussex. | Without planning permission, the erection of a dwelling house. | Enforcement Notice – Sutton Hollow, West Sussex |
3 August 2016 | Land at High Hampstead, High Hampstead Lane Lurgashall Petworth West Sussex GU28 9EX | The relevant planning permission to which this notice relates is the permission granted by the Council on 5th July 2007 for “Alteration of barn to form holiday lets and staff accommodation, application reference : LG/07/02214/LBC | Enforcement Notice – High Hampstead |
5 August 2016 | Land at Wassell Barn Streels Lane Ebernoe West Sussex | Without planning permission, the formation of hard standings, an access track and erection of buildings | Enforcement Notice – Wassell Barn |
2 August 2016 | Caravan North of General Purpose Agricultural Building, Hartley Mauditt Estate, Hartley Lane, Oakhanger, Hampshire GU35 9JW | Without planning permission, and within the last 10 years, the change of use of the land for the siting of a caravan for residential purposes | Enforcement Notice – Hartley Maudett Estate |
Building known as Midhurst Grill, 37 North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex | Without Listed Building Consent, the enclosure of the rear courtyard area by way of the addition of brick walling onto the existing west and north boundary walls and the insertion of a roof in the approximate position shown on the attached plan. | Enforcement Notice – Building Known as Midhurst Grill | |
Building known as Midhurst Grill, 37 North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex | Without Listed Building Consent, the attachment of a plastic banner to the front shop fascia, the attachment of two halogen type light units above the said shop fascia and the painting of the ground floor shop front and entrance doors. The Works contravene Section 9(1) of the Act in that they involve the alteration of the Building in a manner affecting its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest without listed building consent. |
Enforcement Notice – Building Known as Midhurst Grill 2 | |
9 May 2016 | Land South of Clarefield Copse Dumpford Lane Nyewood South Harting West Sussex | Without planning permission, the formation of a hard surface. | Enforcement Notice – South of Clarefield Copse |
18 May 2016 | Land as 12 Greenfields, Sutton, Pulborough, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the formation of a vehicular access by way of excavating earth on the embankment, the laying of a hard surface and erection of a retaining fence in the approximate position shown on the attached plan. | Enforcement Notice – 12 Greenfields, Sutton |
7 December 2015 | Land at Old Wells Cottage, Main Road, Owslebury, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1LU |
The following condition has not been complied with: 2) The materials to be used in the construction of the development hereby permitted shall be those as detailed in the materials section of the accompanying application forms and as annotated on the approved drawing 107 Rev. D |
Breach of Condition Notice – Land at Old Wells Cottage |
21 September 2015 | 32 Cross Way Lewes East Sussex BN7 1NE | Without planning permission, the erection of a shed in the front garden of the above premises. | Enforcement Notice – 32 Cross Way Lewes |
12 October 2015 | Land at Summer Farm Graffham Road East Lavington Petworth West Sussex | Without planning permission, the erection of a gate and posts to form a means of access onto Graffham Road. | Enforcement Notice – Land at Summer Farm, Petworth |
14 August 2015 | Land at Exton Park, Allens Farm Lane, Exton, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 1JY | Without planning permission, the erection of metal gates, brick piers and closeboarded wooden fencing in excess of 1 metre in height adjacent to a highway used by vehicular traffic | Enforcement Notice – Land at Exton Park, Allens Farm Lane |
6 August 2015 | Land North of Junction with B2138, Bury Road, Bury, West Sussex (“the land”) | Without planning permission, change of use if the land to the stationing of two caravans for the purposes of human habitation. | Enforcement Notice – Land North of Junction with B2138 |
5 June 2015 | Land at Manor Farm, Singleton, West Sussex | Without planning permission, the construction of a sand school / riding arena in the approximate position shown on the attached plan. | Enforcement Notice – Manor Farm Singleton |
24 January 2014 | Land at Ashton Farm, Ashton Lane, Bishops Waltham, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 1FR |
The following condition has not been complied with: 6) No internal or external lighting of any description, whether permanently fixed, portable, freestanding or temporary shall at any time by operated to illuminate the building or the manege hereby permitted. |
Breach of Condition Notice and Map – Land at Ashton Farm |
22 January 2014 | Land adjacent to 6 Manor Farm Green, Twyford, Hampshire, SO21 1RA |
The following condition has not been complied with: 4) The yurts on the site may be occupied only between the months of April and October inclusive. They must be removed from the site within 2 weeks of 31 October each year and not re-erected until after 17 March of the following year |
Breach of Condition Notice and map – Land adjacent Manor Farm Green |
19 July 2013 | Land and buildings at St Peters Farm, Church Lane, Hambledon, Hampshire | Without planning permission, the material change of use of the Land from the keeping of horses to a mixed use involving the keeping of horses, the manufacture of caravans and storage (including storage and parking of vehicles unrelated to the lawful use of the Land for keeping horses). | Enforcement Notice – Land and buildings at St Peters Farm |