Permission for new path linking Coombes Road, Lancing
July 13, 2018
The SDNPA planning committee has approved permission, subject to Section 106 Agreement being completed, for a short section of path for non-motorised users in the National Park linking Coombes Road, Lancing, with an existing right of way along the River Adur (ref SDNP/18/00434/FUL).
This application to the National Park Authority does not include the Sussex Pad junction and is entirely separate from the current application to Adur District Council for mixed use development at New Monks Farm (ref AWDM/0961/17) to which the National Park Authority has objected.
The South Downs Planning Committee agreed with the officer’s recommendation that the proposal for this short section of path is a beneficial extension of the public Right of Way network, providing increased connectivity and would not have an adverse impact on landscape character or on views into or from the National Park.
They also agreed that the new path would provide an opportunity for ecological enhancement to the ditch running alongside and for planting pollution scrubbing trees, to improve air quality.