Wooded Estate Downland
Landscape Character Type and Key habitats
- Extensive broad leaved woodland including areas of ancient woodland
- Yew woodland
- Lowland calcareous grassland
- Network of hedgerows
Actions for nature
- Seek to plant broadleaved woodland with suitable species and to replace conifers where appropriate when felling takes place
- Manage and protect the rare yew woodlands
- Manage woodland to achieve good condition, age and species diversity
- Manage chalk grassland areas and seek to expand and connect
- Manage hedgerows and plant to complete the network
Nature-friendly actions
- Buffer strips along hedgerows and woodland edges
- Restore and create ponds
- Increase species diversity of semi improved grasslands
- Create arable margins and pollinator species corridors
- Maintain winter cover, feed crops or stubbles
Key sensitivities
- Large areas of ancient woodland
- Ancient yew forests
- Chalk grassland with scrub including nationally scarce juniper
- Intact hedgerow network