Upper Coastal Plain
Landscape Character Type and Key habitats
- Deciduous woodland blocks, good network of hedgerows, ponds and streams
Actions for nature
- Restore Chalk grassland at Highdown hill and continue to manage
- Maintain woodland and manage for age and species diversity
- Restore plantation woodland to broad leaved woods
- Conserve and manage hedgerows and replant to restore hedgerow network, improve connectivity
Nature-friendly actions
- Increase species diversity of semi improved grasslands
- Create wildflower meadows
- Create arable margins and pollinator species corridors
- Maintain winter cover, feed crops or stubbles
- Create buffer strips to water courses, hedgerows and woodland edges
- Restore and create ponds
- Restore disused gravel workings to grasslands, scrub, wetland and woodland habitats
Key sensitivities
- Wetland habitats, springs and streams
- Strong network of hedgerows and small woods
- Historic parklands