Mixed Farmland and Woodland Vales
Landscape Character Type and Key habitats
- Areas of Broad leaved woodland
- Thick intact network of hedgerows
- Pockets of acid and unimproved semi-natural grasslands
Actions for nature
- Manage broad leaved woodland for species and age diversity and resilience
- Seek to make connections between woodland blocks
- Conserve and manage hedgerows
- Maintain the habitat mosaic especially unimproved grasslands
- Seek to increase the area of unimproved grasslands and connect areas of habitat
Nature-friendly actions
- Create arable margins and pollinator species corridors
- Maintain winter cover, feed crops or stubbles
- Create buffer strips to chalk grassland areas, hedgerows and woodland edges
- Increase species diversity of semi improved grasslands
- Create wildflower meadows
- Create streamside corridors of natural habitat as a buffer to other land uses
- Monitor and control invasive non-native species.
Key sensitivities
- Unimproved grasslands, woodlands and thick hedgerows with trees
- Historic parklands