State of the Park Report 2024
The State of the Park Report offers key insights into the National Park and is reviewed every five years.
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The report focuses on the special qualities of the Park and includes:
- Key facts and figures
- An overview of positive or negative trends and issues, based on best available data
- National Park Authorities document and articulate these special qualities, along with their status and trends, when reviewing and developing their Partnership Management Plan.
Special qualities are characteristics that distinguish National Parks from each other and from other parts of the country. For the South Downs National Park these are:
- A rich variety of Wildlife and Habitats, including rare and internationally important species
- Tranquil and Unspoilt Places
- An Environment Shaped by Centuries of Farming and embracing new enterprise
- Great Opportunities for Recreational Activities and Learning Experiences
- Well-Conserved Historical Features and a Rich Cultural Heritage
- Distinctive towns and villages and communities with a real pride in their area
- Diverse, inspirational landscapes and breath taking views
- These qualities make the South Downs National Park a special and cherished place for both residents and visitors.