Most asked: Kathryn Steele, Support Services Officer
August 6, 2020
Can you tell us a little about what you do?
Day to day it can be quite diverse, Support Services support projects and other teams across the park as well as managing reception and the Visitor Centre. Projects for me include events, the photo competition and forums.
A large part of my role is Volunteer Support – supporting the volunteer team, rangers and over 300 volunteers. This includes registering new volunteers, organising training, finance and clothing.
What do you think helped you to bag this position?
I think that showing enthusiasm for the role and the park helped. I have a background in ecology carrying out surveys with a degree in Conservation Management which helped to show my interest in a job in the environmental sector.
Alongside this I have gained a lot of varied experience in customer service, which you definitely need for this role – all customer service experience counts!
What is the best thing about your job/working in the National Park?
Seeing first-hand the impact we have on nature and people.
From volunteers taking part in tasks days and the public visiting the park for the first time to witnessing species recovery by improving bio-diversity with site partnerships and management plans.
Increasing public awareness is definitely a rewarding part of working for the park.
How can you progress within your role?
My team is very good for encouraging personal development and progression. I can openly express my career goals and interests.
We have annual reviews, online training and group training available.
As my role is so varied, I am able to work in different areas which can act as a taster in these careers. This also enables me to develop skills, experience and knowledge that I may not gain in a role that is centred on one subject.