Policy and Resources Committee 25 April 2019
Location: South Downs Centre Hall, Midhurst, GU29 9DH
Date and time: 25 April 2019 10:00am
Contact Details:
Committee Officer
Tel: 01730 814810 Email: committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk
Siôn McGeever
Chief Executive (National Park Officer)
The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations are in force, giving a right to members of the public to record (film, photograph and audio-record) and report on proceedings at committee meetings. Please read our protocol on Filming, Recording and Reporting of SDNPA Meetings Protocol for more information.
At the start of the meeting the Chair will make an announcement that the meeting may be filmed, recorded or photographed. Webcasting is undertaken in the public interest and in the exercise of our official authority, by entering the meeting room and using the public seating area you are consenting to being filmed, recorded and photographed. If you have any queries regarding this please contact committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk
We broadcast all Planning Committee meetings through our webcasting portal. Meetings can be viewed live or on-demand up to six months after the meeting.
- Apologies for absence
- Election of Chair
To elect a Chair for the Policy and Resources Committee - Declaration of Interests
To enable Members to declare to the meeting any disclosable interest they may have in any matter on the agenda for the meeting. - Minutes of previous Policy and Resources Committee meeting
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee meeting on 28 February 2019 (page 1).
Item 4 - Matters arising
To enable any matters arising from the Policy and Resources Committee minutes that are not covered elsewhere on this agenda to be raised. - Urgent Matters
To consider any matter on the agenda which the Chair agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency to due special circumstances. - Public participation
To hear questions or comments from members of the public present at the meeting.AUDIT
- Internal Audit – Progress Report
To consider a report from the Internal Auditor (PR13/19 page 9).
Item 8
Item 8 Appendices - Internal Audit – Strategy and Plan 2019/20
To consider a report from Grant Thornton, External Auditor (PR14/19 page 21).
Item 9
- Approach to Producing the Revised Partnership Management Plan
To consider a report from the Performance and Projects Manager (PR15/19 page 37).
Item 10
Item 10 Appendix 1
Item 10 Appendix 1 UPDATED 24.04.2019
Item 10 Appendix 2
Item 10 Appendix 3
Item 10 Appendix 4 - Corporate Risk Register
To consider a report from the Head of Governance (PR16/19 page 87).
Item 11
Item 11 Appendix 2
CONFIRMED MINUTES – P&R 25 April 2019 Minutes
Sebastian Anstruther, Ken Bodfish (Chair), Tim Burr, Jo Carr, Chris Dowling, Janet Duncton, Mark Dunn, Philip Ede, Daniel Humphreys, Helen Jackson, Graham Morrison, Russell Oppenheimer and Pete West
Independent Members of the Committee (non voting): Tom Fourcade and Carole Nicholson
Ex officio Members (may participate but not vote): Margaret Paren and Norman Dingemans
Members’ interests
SDNPA Members have a primary responsibility for ensuring that the Authority furthers the National Park Purposes and Duty. Members regard themselves first and foremost as Members of the Authority, and will act in the best interests of the National Park as a whole, rather than as representatives of their appointing body or any interest groups.
Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest that is not already entered in the Authority's register of interests, and any personal interest and/or public service interest (as defined in Paragraph 18 of the Authority's Code of Conduct) they may consider relevant to an item of business being considered at the meeting (such disclosure to be made at the commencement of the meeting, or when the interest becomes apparent).
Access to information
If you would like a copy of this agenda in large print or an alternative format/language please contact the Committee Officer on committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk or 01730 814810.
Public participation
Anyone wishing to speak at the meeting should register their request, by emailing the following information to public.speaking@southdowns.gov.uk no later than 12 noon on the Monday before the meeting.
- Name:
- Address:
- Phone Number:
- Email:
- Planning Application Number:
- Details of Proposed Development:
- Indicate if you are speaking in support or against the application:
- Who are you representing?:
- In the event that more than 3 people request to speak in favour or against an item it may be necessary for them to agree amongst themselves who should speak at the meeting. In order to facilitate this process we would ask you to confirm that you are happy with us sharing your name and e-mail address with other potential speakers. We will not share any other personal details with any other third parties.
- YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
Confirmation that you have registered to speak will be send after 12 noon deadline. Further information on public speaking and registering as a speaker.
Please note that there is no catering provision for members of the public during meal breaks. However there are cafes, pubs and shops in Midhurst town centre, approximately 5 minutes’ walk away.
If you wish to give us feedback on your experience of the meeting please e-mail committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk.