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Meet the National Park Planner…Sarah Round

Meet the National Park Planner…Sarah Round

August 19, 2024

We catch up with Sarah Round, Principal Development Management Officer, and find about her job, as well as her love of coffee and nature.

Three words that sum up your job in planning?

Spot. The. Difference!

Okay, so what’s your role at the National Park?  

The above is what I tell my friends when they ask what my job is. Actually, it’s much more than that. My role as a principal planner is to assess pre application enquiries and planning applications relating to medium or large(ish)/complex sites and to provide a response to landowners and/or developers. This means I evaluate the drawings, as well as all the other supporting information that gets sent to us, as the Planning Authority. It’s like putting together a big jigsaw puzzle, if you stare at it long enough you can normally find the right pieces! And if I can’t find them then I will look for them, which means consulting with a wide range of colleagues and external consultees and sometimes requesting more information.  I see my role as trying to get the best out of a site, whether that be maximising affordable housing provision, seeking the best design, increasing the level of biodiversity on site etc. Planning is basically a process of negotiation, and I prefer it when everyone involved comes out feeling satisfied

What appealed to you about working in planning?

The variety. Jack of all trades, master of none, is another way I’d describe my job! But it does mean I get to learn a little about all the things that are needed to make a successful development, for example, understanding the landscape, looking at the existing ecology, evaluating the design of the scheme etc. We also have to consider whether the scheme works in terms of practicalities, drainage, car parking, play space, bin collection etc. I like working with people and I am interested in buildings and their surroundings and how these all fit together to get the best scheme for everyone involved, be that the dormouse or the family with five kids. There is a huge variety in planning work and policy, guidance and legislation are always changing. There’s a lot to keep up with, but it’s never dull!

Can you describe your typical day?

Coffee. More coffee. Emails, looking at comments from those we consult. Sometimes I’ll go out on site or have a meeting in the office with applicants and sometimes I’m writing up reports or preparing to present a case to our planning committee members. There isn’t really a ‘typical day’ and that’s one of the things I like about the job. Usually, I will address those things most urgent on my ‘to do’ list and then plan out my day accordingly.

Best thing about working in planning for a National Park?

This is the first time I’ve worked in a protected landscape. I love the passion people have for looking after the environment and nature and their positivity in trying to find ways to address nature recovery and climate control. I also love the wildness and freedom that the national parks represent, so being part of one is just really cool!  

What do you love about the South Downs National Park?

I grew up here, went away to two big cities, Liverpool and London, and now I’m lucky enough to be back living here and working here.

I have really enjoyed being back home, and I have always thought of the Downs as ‘home’ despite almost 25 years away from them. l love the fresh air, the hills and the views and the hidden dells and woodlands. I love going for a walk and seeing rural life unfold. I have three boys and a combine harvester in the field or a bunch of lambs can hold their attention for ages, as can paddling in a stream catching shrimps. Watching them engage with the nature all around them is part of what is great about the Park. I’m also passionate about our big dark skies; I cannot name many constellations, but I could gaze up at them for hours.

Currently reading/watching?

Reading Achillies. Watching Clarkson’s Farm (no spoilers please – I’ve only just started it!)

Dream holiday destination and why?

Costa Rica – because everyone who’s been there says it’s fantastic.

Describe your perfect day (when not working, of course!)

Breakfast outside. I love early summer mornings. Then either a long walk with the family, which should ideally involve a river and a pub! Or a trip to the beach. And then home for dinner that someone else has cooked. And served!