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Hotel renovation plans receive the green light from Planning Committee

Hotel renovation plans receive the green light from Planning Committee

December 16, 2019

Planning approval has been granted for a refurbishment of Goodwood Hotel as part of a scheme that will bring a number of other benefits to local habitats and cultural heritage.

In the first phase of the major renovation, 16 additional new bedrooms will be created and the wider hotel will also undergo an extensive transformation, referencing the former historic walled garden that once existed on the site.

A new reception area will be created along with extensive landscaping.

The refurbishment also includes upgrading the existing energy strategy with the implementation of renewable energy sources and improved sustainability measures, including installing a biomass boiler to provide the hotel’s heating.

Vicki Colwell, Major Projects Planning Officer, said: “We welcome the landscape masterplan which has been produced to better guide guests and integrate the complex into the Parkland setting.

“The development has also demonstrated an overall enhancement of the character of the site, in terms of natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage. It also provides additional examples of how further knowledge and understanding of the National Park can be achieved through interpretation of the Scheduled Monument.

“The scheme delivers a number of ecosystem service benefits, including creating better and more joined up natural habitats and improved surface water drainage.”

Andrew Coggings, Goodwood’s Entertaining and Hospitality Managing Director, added: “This significant investment will result in more inbound tourism into West Sussex, which will benefit the local economy and create more jobs.”