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Meet the Reptiles

Meet the Reptiles

30 May 2023

10.00 to 12.00

Join The Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust on Broxhead Common for a morning meeting the reptiles that call our heaths home. Discover the work ARCT do to look after our special heathland habitat for these rare and protected reptile and amphibian species and learn about what you can do to help. Please pre book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/meet-the-reptiles-tickets-622524877667


Start: 30 May 2023
End: 30 May 2023

Location Details

Location Broxhead common sits just north of the National Park and the town of Bordon in Hampshire. There are limited parking spaces on Broxhead Farm Road so if you can, please do walk or cycle to the event. Broxhead Common is a prime example of lowland heath. Expect Sandy trails and undulating terrain. The site is owned by the MOD so please do not pick up or touch any objects. Please note that there are no toilets on site.
Postcode GU35 0JX

The ARCT will set up a gazebo on site next to the pond on Broxhead common.

Organiser Details

Organiser's Name Olivia French
Organiser's Website https://www.southdowns.gov.uk/help-your-heaths/wealden-heaths-strategic-access-management-and-monitoring-samm-project/events-walks-and-activities/
Organiser's Email olivia.french@southdowns.gov.uk

"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."