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Guided Walk in Lewes

Guided Walk in Lewes

27 April 2025

10am to 13.00


We will walk along Juggs Road to Kingston village, looping back to Lewes passing through the recently restored wetland that is part of the Cockshut Stream.

We will be walking across fields and through Kingston village on pavements and footpaths. The ground will be uneven and potentially muddy, so wear suitable footwear.

The distance is around 5km with only one slight incline, the pace will be slow as we will be stopping to identify plants, birds and animals along the way.

We will be using the iNaturalist app A Community for Naturalists · iNaturalist to identify and record nature we find, contributing to community science as part of the City Nature Challenge


Start: 27 April 2025
End: 27 April 2025

Location Details

Location The walk will start from Juggs Rod junction just past The Swan Inn and finish near the Priory Ruins on Cockshut Road, just off Southover High Street. We will be walking across fields and through Kingston village on pavements and footpaths. The ground will be uneven and potentially muddy, so wear suitable footwear. The distance is around 5km with only one slight incline, the pace will be slow as we will be stopping to identify plants, birds and animals along the way
Postcode BN7 1HU

Meet just past the Swan Inn at the Juggs Road junction

Organiser Details

Organiser's Name Jan Knowlson
Organiser's Website https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/guided-nature-walk-for-city-nature-challenge-lewes-tickets-1236003863829?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl
Organiser's Email jan.knowlson@southdowns.gov.uk
Organiser's Telephone 07415967656

"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."