Arundel Museum Exhibition : History of Arundel Castle Gardens
22 March 2025 to 29 July 2025
10:00 to 16:00
Between March and October (excluding August), Arundel Museum will be holding a new exhibition on the history of Arundel Castle Gardens.
Uncovering the changes from the Victorian gardens through to the transformation of a visitor car park into today’s wonderful Collector Earl’s Garden and the renewal of the medieval Stew Ponds.
During the 1990s the Duke and Duchess of Norfolk set about improving the gardens so that they became a key part of a visitor’s day. An 18th century bowling green was turned into the Rose Garden.
Julian and Isabel Bannerman were commissioned to design the Collector Earl’s Garden – a light-hearted tribute to the 14th (Collector) Earl of Arundel. Envisioned as a theatrical space, the garden is inspired by historical designs and paintings from the Castle.
Under the stewardship of Martin Duncan, the Castle’s Head Gardener, each year there is something new to delight and excite visitors, particularly the ever-popular tulip festival.
Martin is supported by Izzy McKinley and a brilliant team. Sometimes the changes are out of necessity; currently they have had to remove the box hedging due to pests, giving the chance to plant new lavender hedging, yew balls, dwarf apple trees and mixed herbs in the Kitchen Garden.
Entry to the exhibition is included in the Museum ticket price. There will be times when the exhibition is not open, please call to confirm 01903 885866