Collect wildlife badges with the ARC Explorer App
April 29, 2016
Ever wondered what the bird chirping outside your window is? Or what that lizard was that you spotted while walking in the South Downs? Well, the ARC Explorer App is the place to find out.
Discover and record the rich variety of wildlife in our countryside while exploring the best walks around the Arun and Rother rivers with the free ARC app.
You can use the App to share sightings of wildlife you’ve spotted when out and about. This data then goes to the Sussex Biodiversity Records Centre so you’ll be doing your bit to assist conservation in the area.
The technology has been developed as part of Arun and Rother Connections (ARC) a three year landscape scale project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund to promote a rich and thriving river system where wildlife flourishes and people value the natural and cultural heritage of the area.
With the project ending in August there’s still time for you to collect badges for each species you record. Badges are awarded for fungi, fish, mammals, reptiles, insects, birds, amphibians and plants. So become a Citizen Scientist by downloading the App and get recording any species that you spot – you can even become the Guardian of ARC by being the first person to record everything.