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Renewable energy in the South Downs

Renewable energy in the South Downs

In April 2022, the South Downs National Park Authority published a new Technical Advice Note (TAN) for Small Scale Renewable Energy projects.

The purpose of the TAN is to help applicants (householders, community organisations or local businesses) to make successful planning applications for small-scale renewable energy schemes in the National Park as part of the drive to achieve zero carbon emissions.

The TAN provides guidance on appropriate renewable energy in the South Downs National Park and advice on submitting a planning application.

Case studies are also included and potential sources of funding.

For the purposes of the TAN, small-scale renewable energy is defined as a proposal designed to serve an individual building i.e. ‘microgeneration’ (mainly covered by permitted development rights) or larger scale technology to serve multiple buildings and part of a project designed and led by the local community.

The TAN is now a material consideration to be taken into account when determining planning applications for small-scale renewable energy and associated development in the National Park.


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."