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Find your community group

Find your community group

Find out in there is a climate or environment group near you by using our interactive map.

You can click on the map, enter your postcode or check the legend to see Climate Action Groups across and surrounding the South Downs National Park.

Note: there may be more than one group in your area, which will be indicated by arrows at the bottom of the pop up box.

If there is not a group near you and you would like to set one up, join the South Downs Climate Action Network on Knowledge Hub to find out how to get started.

Do you belong to a group that is not on the map? If you would like your group to be included please email info@southdowns.gov.uk and we will contact you for more information.

You might also be interested in these groups that support climate action groups across a wider area:


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."