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Busy summer for enforcement in South Downs National Park

Busy summer for enforcement in South Downs National Park

August 19, 2024

Storing shipping containers, vehicles and building fences without planning permission are among the enforcement issues currently being dealt with by the Authority’s dedicated team.

An enforcement notice has been issued in Pyecombe to stop using a piece of land for the storage of personal vehicles (pictured above), as well as remove two large shipping containers from the site. Fencing has also been ordered to be removed.

The changes to the site are not within the current planning permission which covers business use as a café. The notice came into effect on 14 June and the owners now have six months to comply. The owners have applied to the Planning Inspectorate for an appeal.

Meanwhile, a formal caution has been issued against an individual who carried out unauthorised works in woodland area near Hassocks that includes several tree preservation orders.

Robert Campbell, Senior Planning Enforcement Officer, explained: “There was evidence to prosecute the individual, as they had previously been warned that these trees were protected.

“The age and circumstances of the individual concerned led the Authority to issue a formal caution, which has now been accepted. This will be used in evidence if any future offences are committed at this location by this person and would lead to a prosecution.”

At Fulking, an enforcement notice has been served against the erection of a single-storey utility building. This is the same site referred to in the last newsletter where an appeal against an enforcement notice for the removal of caravans was dismissed. The owners have launched an appeal against the latest notice.

Robert added: “The South Downs is a nationally-designated landscape and the Authority takes our enforcement function very seriously to prevent unauthorised development that is harmful to the National Park’s natural beauty, biodiversity and heritage.”