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Affordable Housing Grant Scheme

Affordable Housing Grant Scheme

The SDNPA Affordable Housing Grant scheme uses developer contributions to support the delivery of affordable housing in the South Downs.

Grants of up to £30,000 per dwelling are available for affordable homes that are to be held in perpetuity as affordable, on rural exceptions sites (sites that would not be granted planning permission for open market housing) and for affordable housing delivered through community-led initiatives such as Community Land Trusts.

Midhurst Community Land Trust have benefited from funding through the Affordable Housing Grants Scheme.  This funding has enabled them to deliver two affordable rental homes, a case study related to this project is available here.

If you would like to know more about our affordable housing grant scheme contact affordablehousing@southdowns.gov.uk


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."