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Advice and opinions needed to help support the South Downs

Advice and opinions needed to help support the South Downs

February 6, 2018

The South Downs National Park Trust is carrying out research to make sure we get our messages right and are looking for people to participate in two-hour focus groups on 20 April 2018.

We’ll be looking at the issues and projects in the National Park where we should be prioritising our support; getting feedback on our fundraising material; and understand whether people would be happy to be asked for funds in other ways, such as a gift in your Will. We really want to make sure we “get it right” and do not upset our potential supporters.

Your guidance will help us get our tone right, be as efficient as possible and could help us raise thousands for the National Park in the future.

If you are willing to volunteer, we would be very grateful if you would complete this online survey with your preferred time and contact details