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Meet the South Downs Planner…James Brazil

Meet the South Downs Planner…James Brazil

January 8, 2025

Let’s catch up with James Brazil, Planning Policy Assistant at the South Downs National Park Authority.

Three words that sum up your job in planning?

Engaging, Ever-changing, Impactful

Okay, so what’s your role at the National Park?  

I am a Planning Assistant at the National Park and apprentice at Oxford Brookes University, working towards becoming a Chartered Town Planner. My primary role is in the Planning Policy Team, working on the Local Plan Review, Land Availability Assessment, and Authority Monitoring Report, helping to shape policies in the South Downs and steering development in the future. I have also been involved with the Development Management side of planning, responding to Do I Need Planning Permission requests and carrying out our Duty Planner service.

What appealed to you about working in planning?

Prior to my role at the SDNPA I have grown up surrounded by family businesses related to the construction and planning sector. Upon learning about planning as a profession it grabbed my interest immediately, as to me, planners seemed the “Jack of all trades” that bring together a range of specialisms and sectors to help solve problems for everyone, whether this be providing housing, re-naturing, or working towards creating community infrastructure.

Can you describe your typical day?

My work is ever-changing and two days are never alike. Some days I block off and are spent on reports, examining data, and responding to public enquiries, some are filled with meetings with colleagues, neighbouring authorities, and various teams, and others are spent completing site visits, attending planning committee, or at university.

Best thing about working in planning for a National Park?

Everything! The SDNPA has been a great place to work firstly due to the people. Everyone is extremely welcoming and skilled at their job, creating a great work environment with the ability to work effectively. I have also learnt a whole lot from colleagues with more experience than myself, helping me to further develop professionally. The complexity of planning in a National Park as a protected landscape is another upside as it comes with a whole range of challenges that need to be addressed, but being part of the solution to these challenges gives my work purpose.

What do you love about the South Downs National Park?

It feels like home. I grew up in the countryside just bordering the National Park and still live there now, so the South Downs is on my doorstep. The idyllic market towns, peaceful villages, dark night skies, range of wildlife… Need I say anymore?

Dream holiday destination and why?

I’d like to discover more of my home turf via a trip around the entire coast of the UK to say I’ve truly explored every part of my home.

I’d also like to visit Scandinavia and see the Northern lights from a log cabin in the Arctic tundra.

Describe your perfect day (when not working, of course!)

Full English for breakfast, visit family and friends, visit a pub – and don’t leave the pub!