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Community infrastructure levy improves accessibility in South Downs town

Community infrastructure levy improves accessibility in South Downs town

August 19, 2024

A new ‘Changing Places’ toilet has been provided in the centre of Petersfield, supported by contributions from both CIL and S106 developer funds. 

With around 250,000 people in the country unable to use standard accessible toilets, the new facility provides access for those people with disabilities whose needs are not currently met.

Changing Places toilets are part of a £30m government-backed scheme, run in partnership with the charity Muscular Dystrophy UK.  They include a hoist, changing bench and offer enough space for up to two carers.

The new facility will make the centre of Petersfield a more accessible place for those with limited mobility.

The addition was welcomed by Treloars College, Alton, which is currently working with local authorities through its ‘Let Me In’ project to make local communities more accessible.

For more information visit the Changing Places scheme and Treloars Let Me In project .

Meanwhile, an education centre has been created at Meonstoke CE Infant School following £18,000 of CIL funding.

Nikki Allen, CIL Planning Officer, said: “This wonderful project aims to provide year-round access to outside play, exercise and learning.

“It’s providing a new covered outside learning area, improved wooded pathways around the edge of the site, wellie boot storage, a bird watching station and a bug house. Great to see!”