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South Downs Way walk – Amberley to Washington

Car free walk, catch the train or bus to and from Chichester

Distance: <10 miles. 6-7 miles
Location: West Sussex
Type: Moderate. South Downs Way
Duration: 3-4 hours

Enjoy views over the patchwork fields of the Weald and a variety of ancient earthworks and burial mounds, perfect spots for a picnic.

Look out for views of Amberley Castle and the chalk pits of Amberley Museum, gliders from nearby Southdown Gliding Club soaring overhead, Rackham Banks and other ancient earthworks and burial mounds.

Print or download the guide for full details of the route.

Getting here

The journey out: Take the train from Chichester (or Worthing) to Amberley; you will need to change trains at Ford.

The journey back: From Washington take the Stagecoach no.1 or Metrobus no.23 to Worthing railway station.

Useful information

Refreshments: The Riverside tearoom or the Bridge Inn at Amberley or Frankland Arms in Washington.

Toilets: No public toilets on this route other than those found in pubs etc.

Maps: OS Explorer OL10, or South Downs Way Guide (available from nationaltrail.co.uk/south-downs-way).


Start: From the railway station cross the road, turn right and follow the footpath until you see High Titten and the South Downs Way signs on the opposite side of the road. Cross here and walk up the track to follow the South Downs Way along the Downs.

Finish: Towards the end of the walk the South Downs Way splits offering a choice of two routes down into Washington. Take the left option to avoid crossing the busy A24. A footbridge takes you over the A24 into Washington Village. At the T-junction turn left for the pub and bus stops near the recreation ground, or right if you are planning to walk further along the South Downs Way. (See “Finish” map in guide for more detail.)

For more information about the South Downs Way and inspiration on future routes please visit www.nationaltrail.co.uk/south-downs-way