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Seaford Head easy access trail

Experience an iconic view of the Seven Sisters

Distance: <5 miles. 1-2 miles
Location: East Sussex
Type: Easy. Miles without Stiles
Duration: 0.5-1 hour

The Easy Access Trail at Seaford Head is suitable for people with impaired mobility, wheelchairs, mobility scooters and push chairs. Offering spectacular views over Cuckmere Haven, the iconic coastguard cottages and the Seven Sisters. The starting point is South Hill Barn car park, Seaford Head, East Sussex BN25 4AR

Getting here

By bus: Brighton & Hove bus number 12 travels from Brighton to Eastbourne along the coast and stops in Seaford. Check traveline.info/se for details.  Alight at Chyngton Lane bus stop on the A259, turn down Chyngton Lane and follow the path to South Hill Barn (0.8 miles). The gradient of the path is 1:9 at its steepest.
By rail: The nearest railway station is Seaford. Visit nationalrail.co.uk to plan your journey.
By Car: South Hill Barn car park can be found by turning down Chyngton Lane from the A259.

Seaford Head Nature Reserve

Seaford Head Local Nature Reserve (LNR) covers an area from Seaford Head Golf Course eastwards to the Cuckmere Valley and north to Exceat Bridge.


There are no toilets, cafés or pubs at the site of the route but nearby Seven Sisters Country Park Visitor Centre has refreshments and a Changing Places accessible toilet. Check the Visitor Centre opening hours on the website – sevensisters.org.uk


This page gives users the choice of three routes.

The two Access for All routes are on hardstanding surfaced paths which are wide enough for two mobility vehicles to pass.

The circular route (A) is relatively level, a short distance and offers several benches at key viewpoints.

The linear route (B) with a turning point at the terminus has a slight incline, though this affords better views over the coast. Route B has a turning point at the end of the surfaced track near the golf course/mast. All are wide, surfaced paths.

The Access for Some trail (C) is a circular route along a surfaced path to the coastguard cottages which then continues along a well maintained public right of way along the coast and joins back up with the original path. There are some benches along the route.