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Amberley circular walk

Discover the attractive downland village of Amberley

Distance: <5 miles. 2-3 miles
Location: West Sussex
Type: Easy
Duration: 1-2 hours

Some stiles. Note: some sections of the path may be very boggy in winter months

Getting here

By bus: There are regular services to Amberley, visit traveline.info/se
By rail: Amberley station is on the Arun Valley line from London Victoria. Check nationalrail.co.uk for details.


Amberley is a chocolate box village with many old buildings, thatched cottages, a castle (now a private hotel), a church, two pubs and a shop. There is also a working pottery.
Amberley Wild Brooks is a large area of flood meadows, jointly managed by Sussex Wildlife Trust and the RSPB. It is one of the richest wetlands remaining in the UK.

Amberley Museum

Amberley Museum is a 36 acre open-air museum dedicated to the industrial heritage of the south east. The main chalk quarry at the museum is famous for being the location of the mine in the James Bond film A View to a Kill. The museum is home to a number of resident craftspeople using traditional methods. Open mid March to October.


  1. From Amberley Station cross over the road to the pavement and turn left under the railway bridge. Shortly afterthis take the footpath on your right along the bottom of the railway embankment. Follow the footpath along the river bank until you arrive opposite Bury.
  2. Turn right, away from the river, and follow the footpath across some low lying fields (this section of path can be boggy in wetter months). After crossing the railway line and passing a section of the castle walls you arrive in Amberley village.
  3. Turn left at the junction shortly after passing the Pottery.
  4. To extend the walk (an extra 1.8 miles), take the steep track down to Amberley Wild Brooks before returning the same way. This will give you a flavour of this extensive and important wetland area.
  5. At the junction turn right and walk downhill, past the village shop, and turn right at the next junction just before Amberley Village Tea Room.
  6. You’ve now arrived back where you were at route point 3 but going the other way. This time turn left and take the footpath opposite the road which will take you past the village recreation ground to the main road.
  7. At the main road turn right along the verge path back to Amberley Station.