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Circular walk near Cheriton

Picturesque cottages and crystal clear rivers

Distance: 10-11 miles
Location: Hampshire
Type: Moderate
Duration: 4-5 hours

Getting here

There is very limited parking in these villages so please use public transport where possible. Visit traveline.info/se to plan your journey.

Discover the pretty Hampshire village of Cheriton, the stunning River Itchen and the grand National Trust property Hinton Ampner, as well breath-taking views from atop of the South Downs Way.

  1. From the village hall in Cheriton, take the signposted path to the church. After the church gate turn right and follow the grass path to the end of the churchyard. Proceed through the kissing gate to Hill Houses Lane. Turn left (Itchen Way) and after 100 yards turn right through the chicane.
  2. Continue on the footpath through fields with the river on your right,
    through the gates towards a tall, lone pine tree.
  3. Take the track down to Cheriton Mill to the road. Turn right (Wayfarer’s Walk), walk to the road junction and then up Prite Lane opposite. Where this track ends, turn right onto Hinton Lane and head south-east, keeping left at the fork in the track.
  4. Broad Lane is one of several green lanes which featured in the 1644 Battle of Cheriton. Continue across Badshear Lane and Cheriton Track.
  5. Where the track ends, cross the A272 and, where the road turns left,
    keep right to the rear gates of Hinton Ampner. Your path (part of the
    Wayfarers Walk) is on the left. It skirts the edge of the estate before rising across parkland towards Kilmeston village.
    5AShortcut: As you skirt Hinton Ampner estate, turn right at the path crossroads waymarked ‘Itchen Way’. Pass in front of Hinton Ampner House and at a minor road turn right. Head north on the road, which leads back to the A272. Cross over and continue through Cheriton village to the church.
  6. Go straight ahead towards Kilmeston until you emerge at a lane. Cross to a Wayfarer’s Walk footpath and continue to another lane. Turn right on the road and head for the road junction. Opposite, enter a kissing gate and proceed through three more kissing gates, then continue across two large fields before slowly rising to join the South Downs Way (SDW). Turn right at the roadside and head west using the road.
  7. Turn right at the Milbury’s Inn. After 100 yards turn left into a quiet lane following the SDW. Leave the lane at a sharp right bend, continuing ahead along the SDW (Holden Lane track). Follow it to the A272, then cross and walk up to a short stretch of downland. Go through the gate and turn right along the SDW.
  8. Follow the hedge on the right to a gate where you pass through, leaving
    the SDW to join a restricted byway. Go through a copse and keep left at the fork staying on the restricted byway onto Honey Lane.
  9. Turn right at the junction with a road and continue to Hill Houses and back down to Cheriton.