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National Park Authority Meeting 12 December 2023

National Park Authority Meeting 12 December 2023

Location: South Downs Centre Hall, Midhurst, GU29 9DH

Date and time: 12 December 2023 13.00

Contact Details:

Committee Officer

Tel: 01730 814810 Email: committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk

Siôn McGeever

Chief Executive (National Park Officer)

The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations are in force, giving a right to members of the public to record (film, photograph and audio-record) and report on proceedings at committee meetings. Please read our protocol on Filming, Recording and Reporting of SDNPA Meetings Protocol for more information.

At the start of the meeting the Chair will make an announcement that the meeting may be filmed, recorded or photographed. Webcasting is undertaken in the public interest and in the exercise of our official authority, by entering the meeting room and using the public seating area you are consenting to being filmed, recorded and photographed. If you have any queries regarding this please contact committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk


We broadcast all Planning Committee meetings through our webcasting portal. Meetings can be viewed live or on-demand up to six months after the meeting.


                1. Apologies for absence
                2. Declaration of Interests
                  To enable Members to declare to the meeting any disclosable interest they may have in any matter on the agenda for the meeting.
                3. Minutes of the previous meetings held on 19 October 2023
                  To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Authority meetings held on 19 October 2023.
                  Agenda Item 3
                4. Urgent Matters
                  To consider any matter on the agenda which the Chair agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency to due special circumstances (if Members have any urgent matters they are asked to consult the Chair before the meeting commences).
                5. Public Participation
                  The Chair will allow members of the public to ask questions, make statements or present a petition on any matter on the agenda for this meeting or on any matter that falls within the Authority’s powers, subject to procedures set out in Appendix 3 to the Authority’s Standing Orders.
                6.  Authority Chair Update
                  To consider a report from the Chair of the Authority (Report NPA23/24-16).
                  Agenda Item 6
                7. Chief Executive’s Progress Report
                  To consider a report from the Chief Executive (Report NPA23/24-17).
                  Agenda Item 7
                8. Nature Recovery Provisions of the Environment Act 2021
                  To consider a report from the Countryside and Policy Manager (Report NPA23/24-18).
                  Agenda Item 8
                  Agenda Item 8_Appendix 1
                  Agenda Item 8_Appendix 2
                  Agenda Item 8_Appendix 3
                9. Rampion 2 Offshore Windfarm
                  To consider a report from the Principal Planning Officer (Report NPA23/24-19).
                  Agenda Item 9
                  Agenda Item 9_Appendix A
                  Agenda Item 9_Appendix A 1 – 6.12.23 updated
                  Agenda Item 9_Appendix A 2
                  Agenda Item 9_Appendix B
                  Agenda Item 9_Appendix B 1
                  Agenda Item 9_Appendix B 2
                10. Hampshire Joint Minerals & Waste Plan 2040 – Reg 19
                  To consider a report from the Planning Policy Manager (Report NPA23/24-20).
                  Agenda Item 10
                  Agenda Item 10_Appendix 1
                  Agenda Item 10_Appendix 1a
                  Agenda Item 10_Appendix 2
                  Agenda Item 10_Appendix 3
                  Agenda Item 10_Appendix 4
                11. General Election Key Asks
                  To consider a report from the Communications and Engagement Manager (Report NPA23/24-21).
                  Agenda Item 11
                  Agenda Item 11_Appendix 1
                  Agenda Item 11_Appendix 2
                  Agenda Item 11_Appendix 3
                12. Authority Governance Matters
                  To consider a report from the Head of Governance (Report NPA23/24-22)
                  Agenda Item 12 – Authority Governance Matters
                13. Planning Committee Minutes
                  Minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 14 September and 12 October.
                  Agenda Item 13
                14. Policy & Resources Committee Minutes
                  Minutes of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on 21 September 2023.
                  Agenda Item 14


                  Members’ Interests
                  SDNPA Members have a primary responsibility for ensuring that the Authority furthers the National Park Purposes and Duty.  Members regard themselves first and foremost as Members of the Authority, and will act in the best interests of the National Park as a whole, rather than as representatives of their appointing body or any interest groups.

                  Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest that is not already entered in the Authority’s register of interests, and any personal interest and/or public service interest (as defined in Paragraph 18 of the Authority’s Code of Conduct) they may consider relevant to an item of business being considered at the meeting (such disclosure to be made at the commencement of the meeting, or when the interest becomes apparent).

                  Access to Information
                  If you would like a copy of this agenda in large print or an alternative format/language please contact the Committee Officer at committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk or 01730 814810

                  Recording of Meetings
                  The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations give a right to members of the public to record (film, photograph and audio-record) and report on proceedings at committee meetings. The Authority has a protocol on ‘Filming, Recording and Reporting of South Downs National Park Authority Meetings’ which is available on our website.

                  As part of the Authority’s drive to increase accessibility to its public meetings, this meeting will be filmed for live and/ or subsequent broadcast via the internet; at the start of the meeting the Chair will confirm if all or part of the meeting is to be filmed. The images and sound recording may be used for training or any other purposes by the Authority. By entering the virtual meeting room you are consenting to being filmed, recorded or photographed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for webcasting and/or training purposes. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the Governance Officer mailto:committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk

                  Public Participation
                  Anyone wishing to speak at the meeting should register their request no later than 24 hours before the meeting by e-mailing public.speaking@southdowns.gov.uk The public participation protocol is available on our website www.southdowns.gov.uk

                  If you wish to give us feedback on your experience of the meeting please e-mail committee.officer@southdowns.gov.uk

"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."