Submit Student Conference papers – deadline extended
May 7, 2015
Thinking of submitting an entry to the South Downs Student Conference 2015?
There’s still time.
We’ve had a number of students contact us keen to take part but who need a little more time. So we’ve decided to extend the application date to Friday 5 June 2015.
Any current student from Foundation level through to Masters or PhD can submit a presentation or poster provided that their research relates to some aspect of the National Park and that they are able to feedback interim or final findings. Last year many presentations looked at agriculture and conservation but there are also many other areas we would love to hear about such as health and wellbeing or tourism.
The conference will take place on Tuesday 7 July 2015 at the South Downs Centre, Midhurst.
We are very pleased to announce that Professor John Boardman, Emeritus Fellow at the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, will be our key note speaker for this year’s conference . Professor Boardman has published over 130 papers mainly addressing land degradation issues both within the South Downs National Park and in the Karoo, South Africa.
The prize for best poster is a £50 Amazon voucher and the prize for best presentation is a £75 Amazon voucher. An additional prize of membership to the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management is available for the best presentation on landscape, biodiversity or conservation.
Last year’s winner for best presentation Daniel Bianconi, of Plumpton College, was a foundation-level student who impressed judges with his depth of knowledge of grape cultivation and was described as a research star of the future.
“We know that there are high standards of research being undertaken by current and future researchers and academics across many disciplines,” said Trevor Beattie, Chief Executive for the South Downs National Park Authority. “Innovative research and a solid evidence base are vital foundations of our work to care for the South Downs National Park.”