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Summer 2021 NPA Town and Parish Workshops

Summer 2021 NPA Town and Parish Workshops

The summer 2021 Town and Parish workshops covered a range of topics to update Town and Parish Councils on the work of the National Park, and provide details of how Town and Parish Councils can support the National Park in meeting the outcomes of the South Downs Partnership Management Plan.  including Visitor Management, Nature Recovery, Community Infrastructure Levy and details of how Town and Parish Councils can communicate with the National Park.

The first presentation sets out the Authorities work on visitor management. The second presentation relates to Nature Recovery and the ambitious vision to help boost nature and drive a green economic recovery. The third presentation provides more information on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), the funds the SDNPA holds and the responsibilities for Town and Parish Councils relating to CIL. The final presentation gives details of how Town and Parish Councils can contact the Authority and the different officers available to support communities across the National Park.

Below you can find links to the workshop presentations and agendas.

Hampshire Town and Parish workshop – 9 June 2021

West Sussex Town and Parish workshop – 15 June 2021

East Sussex Town and Parish workshop – 22 June 2021


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."