Farming complex plan in South Downs gets the green light
May 4, 2021
Plans to consolidate a farming operation in East Sussex have been approved by the Authority.
Members of the Planning Committee voted to give the green light to three applications submitted by Iford Farm, near Lewes.
The Estate was seeking permission to create a consolidated farm complex – including five new buildings, additional hardstanding and the creation of a new access track.
The plans were devised to ensure that farming at the Iford Estate can be carried out more effectively and better meet the pressures of modern farming in the future.
The plans had been revised after an earlier proposal was refused by Planning Committee over concerns about the scale of the development. The fresh proposals were developed following an extensive public consultation exercise in which the Estate invited feedback and comments from local people to help shape the scheme.
The revised plans were also developed taking into account the prominent landscape setting of the farm.
Members agreed with the considerations of the officer report and concluded that the schemes would provide a more centralised base for the farming operations.
It was agreed that the proposals would not cause an unacceptable detrimental impact to the landscape. Biodiversity net gain from the additional woodland planting and surface water attenuation pond was also welcomed.
The benefits to the farming operation are supported by the policies in the South Downs Local Plan.
The proposal was also supported by a Whole Estate Plan that sets in context the proposal and provides a framework for delivering related benefits to the locality and the landscape.
Following the decision, Tim Slaney, Director of Planning, said: “This scheme supports the future of the farming operation, which makes a significant contribution to the local economy, and also enables conservation and biodiversity enhancements to be delivered.”