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COVID-19 Recovery Fund

COVID-19 Recovery Fund

Many thanks for your interest it the South Downs National Park Authority Recovery Fund.  Unfortunately, we are now oversubscribed with expressions of interest (EOIs) in the Fund, so it is with regret that we can no longer accept any new EOIs.

We have had an overwhelming response to this initiative and have been amazed at the ingenious and creative ways that businesses and communities are trying to adapt to an unprecedented situation.

The SDNAP does have other mechanisms to provide support to partners who are helping to deliver the Partnership Management Plan, as well as a Sustainable Communities Fund for small grants.

If you would like to investigate further please let us know through the Recovery email box Recovery@southdowns.gov.uk or the Sustainable Communities Fund grants@southdowns.gov.uk


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."