The first LCA for the National Park area was produced in 2005, it was a detailed technical report with maps and annexes. It is described as an ‘Integrated’ LCA as it included Historic Landscape Character data as part of the assessment.
The LCA was updated slightly in 2011 to include areas of landscape that had been added when the National Park was formally designated in 2009. It retained the same broad structure and classification of landscape types and areas.
The 2020 update is more comprehensive, it has been developed as an on-line resource to make it more accessible and useable. There has been minor changes to the classification of landscape types and areas – with some areas now being covered in more detail.
The descriptions within the 2020 update include more detail on specific characteristics and sensitivities. They also include a summary of the Ecosystem Services that are delivered within each landscape area.
Links to the previous LCAs are included for reference, and are often helpful as a record of change over time. The 2020 update is the most up-to-date, and the one to use for the National Park area from now on.
For areas outside of the National Park it is best to refer to the relevant County or District level Landscape Character Assessments. A list of the Local Authority pages is included here.