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Landfill Communities Grants

Landfill Communities Grants

Landfill Communities Funds (LCFs) is a tax credit scheme enabling operators of landfill sites to contribute money to organisations enrolled with ENTRUST as Environmental Bodies.

The type of projects that are supported are often environmental and/or community based.

Projects usually must take place within a certain radius of a landfill managed by the operator.

SITA Trust

Funding awards of up to £50,000 for not for profit organisations carrying out community or environmental projects.

Biffa Award

Provides funding through two grant streams within four specific themes – Rebuilding Biodiversity, Community Buildings, Recreation and Cultural Facilities.

The Small Grants Scheme offers grants between £250 and £10,000 and the main grants scheme offers grants between £10,000 and £50,000.

Veolia Trust


"The Downs...too much for one pair of eyes, enough to float a whole population in happiness."